Results: 2

Transtemporal amygdalohippocampectomy: a novel minimally-invasive technique with optimal clinical results and low cost

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 75 (11), 2017
ABSTRACT Mesial temporal sclerosis creates a focal epileptic syndrome that usually requires surgical resection of mesial temporal structures. Objective: To describe a novel operative technique for treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy and its clinical results. Methods: Prospective case-series at a single...

Cell therapy in the treatment of bipolar mania in an animal model: a proof of concept study

Abstract Introduction The rationale of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a novel therapeutic approach in certain neurodegenerative diseases is based on their ability to promote neurogenesis. Hippocampal atrophy has been related to bipolar disorder (BD) in preclinical, imaging and postmortem studies. The...