Results: 6

Clinical and laboratory features of urinary tract infections in young infants

J. bras. nefrol; 40 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Introduction: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common serious bacterial infection in young infants. Signs and symptoms are often nonspecific. Objectives: To describe clinical, demographic and laboratory features of UTI in infants ≤ 3 months old. Methods: Cross-sectional study o...

Tratamiento antibiótico empírico de elección en pacientes con urosepsis secundaria a litiasis ureteral: reporte de sensibilidad local

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (6), 2017
Background: Early inappropriate antibiotic therapy for the management of urosepsis is associated with higher mortality. Therefore, to establish an adequate empirical therapy is crucial. Aim: To determine an optimal antibiotic treatment, adjusted according local bacterial resistance in patients diagnosed...

Performance of the dipstick screening test as a predictor of negative urine culture

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 15 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective To investigate whether the urine dipstick screening test can be used to predict urine culture results. Methods A retrospective study conducted between January and December 2014 based on data from 8,587 patients with a medical order for urine dipstick test, urine sediment analysis a...

Purple urine bag syndrome: case report for Streptoccocus agalactiae and literature review

J. bras. nefrol; 38 (4), 2016
Abstract We report a case of purple urine bag syndrome, associated to Streptococcus agalactiae urinary tract infection, progressing to septic shock and death. We present a review of the literature on the subject and take the opportunity to attend readers about increasing incidence with population aging a...

Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL formando esferoplastos em sedimento urinário a fresco sem coloração

J. bras. nefrol; 38 (2), 2016
Resumo Um homem de 60 anos de idade foi submetido a transplante renal em 2013 devido à insuficiência renal crônica causada por hipertensão. Ele teve episódios recorrentes de infecção do trato urinário e veio para o hospital devido a 4 dias de febre, dor abdominal, ardência para urinar e náusea....

Experiencia de educación continua basada en la notificación voluntaria de urocultivos y antibiogramas

Durante el desarrollo de diversos cursos de Bacteriología, tanto presenciales como a distancia, del Programa de Educación Continua (PROECO) de la Fundación Bioquímica Argentina, se solicitó a los colegas la notificación voluntaria de los resultados de los urocultivos y antibiogramas pertenecientes ...