LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 66

Resolución de maloclusión con severo escalón anterior empleando fuerzas diferenciales
Resolution of a malocclusion with a severe anterior step employing differential forces

Paciente de 21 años de sexo masculino con una distoclusión esqueletal y alveolo dentaria severa, hábito de succión del dedo que contribuye a agravar el escalón de 15 mm. Demanda tratamiento para mejorar su oclusión y estética. Si bien lo indicado es un tratamiento ortodóncico con cirugía ortognÃ...

Relación entre oclusión, bruxismo y cefalea tensional en niños: Reporte de casos

La cefalea es uno de los motivos de consulta más frecuente en nuestros pacientes, presentando una alta prevalencia en niños en edades escolares y adolescentes. El objetivo de este reporte de casos es describir casos de niños entre 6 y 13 años, quienes presentan cefalea tensional crónica. Al examen c...

Orthodontists’ preferences in the use and timing of appliances for the correction of malocclusions in growing patients

J. oral res. (Impresa); 11 (1), 2022
Objective: To evaluate orthodontists’ preferences in the use and timing of appliances for the correction of Class II and Class III malocclusions in growing patients and the sociodemographic factors that influence these preferences. Material and Methods: Active members of the Colombian Orthodontics Soci...

Morphology changes of maxillary molar distalization by clear aligner therapy

Int. j. morphol; 40 (4), 2022
SUMMARY: To evaluate the skeletal, dento-alveolar and soft tissue morphology changes after maxillary molar distalization by clear aligner therapy and identify the significant efficacy of molar distalization,18 patients in conformity with the inclusion criteria were selected. Pre- and post-treatment Cone ...

Orthodontic Treatment Need among Nepalese High School Students

Abstract Objective: To assess the need for orthodontic treatment among Nepalese high school students. Material and Methods: This is a quantitative, cross-sectional descriptive study. The sample comprises 938 children (537 males and 401 females) with an age group above 14 years. The subjects were select...

Assessment of the need for orthodontic treatment in a peruvian sample using the dental aesthetic index

J. oral res. (Impresa); 10 (5), 2021
Introduction: The Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) is considered an essential tool in the association of the aesthetic and clinical elements of occlusion. It plays a key role in the timely and essential orthodontic treatment. Objective: to determine the orthodontic treatment required in students of a Peruvia...

Disyunción maxilar rápida asistida con microtornillos en pacientes en crecimiento con deficiencia maxilar transversal

RESUMEN: Introducción: La disyunción maxilar rápida tradicional (RME) ha sido el tratamiento de elección para corregir la maloclusión secundaria a la deficiencia maxilar transversal. Debido a las complicaciones que pueden presentar los pacientes, se han desarrollado técnicas de disyunción maxilar ...

Correlation of the need for orthodontic treatment between the self-perception of chilean adolescents aged 14 to 18 years and the dentist’s diagnosis

J. oral res. (Impresa); 10 (1), 2021
Background: To correlate the need for orthodontic treatment between the self-perception of Chilean adolescents from 14 to 18 years old with the observation of a dentist using the same assessment scale, as well as to determine if covariates such as gender, age and type of school influence the self-percept...

Ortodontia em saúde coletiva: epidemiologia das oclusopatias e da necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico em adolescentes

A Epidemiologia tornou-se um ramo da ciência muito utilizado para a verificação das necessidades da população, o planejamento de ações e a organização dos serviços em saúde. Para isso, primeiramente, é fundamental realizar o diagnóstico situacional, a partir de dados específicos, em busca d...

Modified Arnold expander: an alternative for mandibular arch expansion

ABSTRACT Introduction: Due to the anatomical constraints of the mandible, mandibular dental arch usually serves as a guideline to determine the required changes in the maxillary transverse dimension. The Schwarz appliance and the Lip Bumper are the traditional orthodontic appliances for mandibular arch ...