Results: 11

Variables pronósticas de pacientes con melanomas gruesos. Análisis de 362 casos

Gac. méd. Méx; 157 (2), 2021
Resumen Antecedentes: Los estudios sobre factores pronóstico de melanoma están basados en poblaciones caucásicas, con predominio de melanomas delgados (Breslow < 3 mm). Los pacientes mexicanos muestran predominio de melanomas gruesos (Breslow ≥ 3 mm). Objetivo: Identificar factores asociado...

Worse survival of invasive melanoma patients in men and de novo lesions

An. bras. dermatol; 95 (2), 2020
Abstract Background: The incidence and mortality of melanoma is increasing in many countries, including Brazil. Survival studies are still scarce in our country, but much needed to know and address this problem better. Objective: To analyze the disease-specific survival of patients with invasive melano...

Imaging tests in cutaneous malignant melanoma staging: a retrospective cohort

An. bras. dermatol; 95 (1), 2020

Survival analysis of children and adolescents with melanoma

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 47 (), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the survival in juvenile melanoma. Methods: retrospective study conducted by hospital record review and cancer records of patients aged 0 to 19 years, with histologically proven melanoma and treated between 1997 and 2017 at the Erasto Gaertner Hospital in Curitiba-PR. ...

Experiencia En El Manejo De Los Pacientes Con Melanoma En El Instituto Oncológico Nacional De Panamá En Los Años 2012 Al 2017

Rev. méd. Panamá; 39 (2), 2019
Introducción: A nivel mundial hay un incremento de la incidencia de melanoma, Panamá no escapa a esta realidad. Para todas las etapas hay riesgo de recurrencia inclusive luego de una cirugía adecuada y elevadas probabilidades de fallecer a causa de metástasis. Este trabajo busca conocer la experien...

Prolonged survival after surgical resection of cerebral metastasis from melanoma with multisystemic metastasis already present: a case report and literature review

Säo Paulo med. j; 136 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT CONTEXT: Malignant melanoma is the third most common cause of cerebral metastases after breast and lung cancer. Despite advances in therapeutic options, the prognosis for patients with cerebral metastases from melanoma remains poor, with a median survival time of six months after diagnosis. CA...

Melanoma: clinical, evolutive and histopathological characteristics of a series of 136 cases

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (3), 2018
Abstract: BACKGROUND: The incidence of melanoma has been increasing in Brazil and all over the world. Despite improvements in diagnosis and treatment, mortality remains unchanged. OBJECTIVE: To associate clinical and histopathological aspects with the evolution of 136 cases of cutaneous melanoma. METH...

Mortality due to cutaneous melanoma in south region of Brazil: a spatial approach

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (4), 2016
Abstract: Background: Cutaneous melanoma is a skin cancer with low incidence but high mortality rates. The South region of Brazil has the highest death rates by melanoma per 100,000 inhabitants of the country. Little is known about the spatial distribution of this malignancy in southern Brazil. Objecti...

Anal melanoma: a rare, but catastrophic tumor

INTRODUCTION: Malignant melanoma of the anal canal is a rare and aggressive disease, which early diagnosis is difficult. Its presentation with no specific symptoms leads to a late diagnosis at an advanced stage. The prognosis of anorectal malignant melanoma is poor and frequently related to distant metas...

Tendência temporal da mortalidade por melanoma cutâneo no Estado de Säo Paulo, 1979-1998

Objetivo: Nos últimos quarenta anos a incidência e mortalidade por melanoma cutâneo vêm apresentando mundialmente uam tendência de crescimento acelerado, mais dramático em países com populaçäo predominantemente branca. Estudos de tendência temporal têm relacionado este padräo da incidência e...