Results: 9

Carcinomatosis peritoneal en cáncer de pulmón: revisión de la literatura con reporte de caso

En Colombia, para 2020, el cáncer de pulmón se reportó como la segunda neoplasia con mayor incidencia y la primera con mayor tasa de mortalidad según las cifras del minis-terio de salud de Colombia. El compromiso peritoneal en el cáncer de pulmón es algo extremadamente raro, se considera <1%. A con...

Sítio Metastático Incomum - Metástases Peritoneais em Melanoma Maligno: Relato de Caso

Rev. bras. cancerol; 67 (2), 2021
Introdução: O melanoma cutâneo é um tumor com grande capacidade de metastização. Um dos quadros possíveis, mas bastante raro, é quando a metástase se aloja em peritônio (carcinomatose peritoneal). Relato do caso: Paciente feminina, 61 anos, encaminhada por massa inguinal esquerda suspeita e les...

Peritoneal carcinomatosis treated with cytoreductive surgery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy

ABSTRACT Introduction: To evaluate the combined treatment with cytoreductive surgery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal carcinomatosis arising from colorectal cancer, pseudomyxoma peritonei and mesothelioma. Methods: Data were obtained from 73 patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis arisin...

Pseudomyxoma peritonei in a pediatric patient: A case report and literature review

Summary Introduction: Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a rare clinical condition, with an incidence of 1-2 cases per million, characterized by the dissemination of mucinous implants on the peritoneal surface and progressive gelatinous ascites. Although it usually presents an indolent behavior, its non-sp...

Mujer joven con hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar metastásico; citorreducción y HIPEC: a propósito de un caso

Rev. chil. cir; 70 (5), 2018
Objetivo: Reportar un caso clínico de hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar metastásico y su manejo multidisciplinario. Caso clínico: Paciente de 24 años de edad con dolor abdominal, distensión abdominal y fiebre. Se le realizó tomografía computarizada de abdomen donde se encontró tumoración hepática i...

Carcinomatose peritoneal em câncer gástrico: diagnóstico, manejo e conduta

Introdução: O câncer gástrico (CG) é a segunda principal causa de morte relacionada a câncer no mundo. A incidência global e os tipos histológicos estão mudando. A incidência dos tumores da transição esofagogástrica e o adenocarcinoma da cárdia estão aumentando, embora tenha havido uma red...

A proposal of Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology (BSSO/SBCO) for standardizing cytoreductive surgery (CRS) plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) procedures in Brazil: pseudomixoma peritonei, appendiceal tumors and malignant peritoneal mesothelioma

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 44 (5), 2017
ABSTRACT Cytoreductive surgery plus hypertermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy has emerged as a major comprehensive treatment of peritoneal malignancies and is currently the standard of care for appendiceal epithelial neoplasms and pseudomyxoma peritonei syndrome as well as malignant peritoneal mesotheliom...

Exploring flow rate selection in HIPEC procedures

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 43 (6), 2016
ABSTRACT Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) has emerged as a main comprehensive treatment of peritoneal malignancies. However, current data on the literature are very heterogeneous in terms of its technical particularities, which require some efforts to sta...

Multimodal treatment of peritoneal malignancies: results of the implantation in a tertiary hospital

INTRODUCTION: Peritoneal carcinomatosis is a condition that may be present in the natural history of colorectal cancer and some other tumors, such as pseudomyxoma peritonei. It has been associated with poor prognosis. The treatment for patients with this condition, up until recently, was systemic chemoth...