Results: 7

Diversidad de Perifiton como indicador de calidad de agua en Caño Barandas: Reserva Natural El Diamante de las Aguas, Guaviare-Colombia

Introducción. El perifiton se entiende como una comunidad compleja de microorganismos entre los cuales se encuentran principalmente organismos fotosintéticos y zooplancton adheridos a sustratos, su estudio permite conocer el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas acuáticos, así como el estado y ecología ...

Uso de perifiton en un sistema de policultivo en agro acuicultura integrada en la comunidad indígena de Jimaín, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia)

Rev. med. vet. zoot; 67 (3), 2020
RESUMEN Los Sistemas de Agro Acuicultura Integrada (SAAI) han sido estudiados como opción para la producción de pescado en comunidades con recursos limitados. Así mismo, el uso de perifiton se ha convertido recientemente en una alternativa viable por el aporte de alimento natural de bajo costo. El obj...

Structure of the periphytic algae associated with a floating macrophyte in an open lake on the upper Paraná river floodplain, Brazil

Acta sci., Biol. sci; 35 (4), 2013
We aimed to access the knowledge of the structure of the periphytic algae community on a floating substrate, the macrophyte Ricciocarpus natans (L.) Corda, during two hydrological periods in a connected environment at the Paraná river floodplain. Attached algal was removed from the substrate with the ai...

Desiccation and recovery of periphyton biomass and density in a subtropical lentic ecosystem

Acta sci., Biol. sci; 35 (3), 2013
This study assessed the desiccation effects on biomass and algal density of periphyton in a subtropical lentic ecosystem. This experiment was conducted with only one in situ experimental desiccation event for 15 hours in a mature periphytic community. The periphyton after desiccation was distinct in dens...

Spatial variation of periphyton structural attributes on Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms in a tropical lotic ecosystem

Acta sci., Biol. sci; 35 (3), 2013
This study evaluated the influence of physical, chemical and physico-chemical variables of water on the biomass of periphyton community and verified the differences between six sampling sites over the course of São Mateus river: two upstream of the city of São Mateus, Espírito Santo State (E1, E2), tw...

Structural and successional variability of periphytic algal community in a Amazonian lake during the dry and rainy season (Rio Branco, Acre)

Acta amaz; 41 (2), 2011
The colonization process and successional patterns of a periphytic algal community were evaluated in a Amazonian Viveiro Lake (Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil). Sampling was performed over a period of 35 days; at four-day intervals for 20 days, and then at five-day intervals. Water sampling for physical, chemic...

Composição da comunidade de diatomáceas periféricas do rio Jaú, Amazonas, Brasil

Acta amaz; 33 (4), 2003
Foi realizado um estudo da flora perifítica de diatomáceas (Bacillariophyceae) existente no Rio Jaú, tributário do Rio Negro, Amazônia (2º57'S e 61º49'W). As coletas foram realizadas manualmente nas cheias de 1995, 1996 e 1997, e as lâminas permanentes encontram-se depositadas no Herbário FLOR, ...