Results: 2

Anal mycobacterial infections

Abstract Background Mycobacterial infections are a serious public health problem worldwide. Involvement of the anal canal and perineum is very rare, but constitute an important differential diagnosis with other equally serious pathologies that may affect the region, such as malignant neoplasms and Crohn...

Fascitis necrotizante perineal
Necrotizing fascitis of perineum

Prensa méd. argent; 73 (10), 1986
Se presentan 2 observaciones de fascitis necrotizante perineal. Los amplios debridamientos asociados a colostomía transversa y a una antibioticoterapia adecuada, fueron exitosos. Se discuten los aspectos clínicos, bacteriológicos y terapéuticos de esta grave infección sinergística ...