Results: 8

Inteligencia emocional y su importancia en el proceso formativo de especialidades médico-quirúrgicas
Emotional Intelligence and its Importance on the Training Process as within Medical-Surgical Specialties

Educ. med. super; 37 (2), 2023
Introducción: La inteligencia emocional es una habilidad blanda, definida como la capacidad de reconocer las emociones propias y ajenas para gestionarlas frente a otros de manera adecuada. Este tipo de inteligencia se relaciona con competencias y aptitudes humanas en diferentes áreas sociales, académi...

Aproximación a la formación por competencias profesionales desde las asignaturas Propedéutica Clínica y Medicina Interna
An approach to professional competence-based formation from the subjects of Clinical Propaedeutic and Internal Medicine

Educ. med. super; 36 (1), 2022
Introducción: La formación del capital humano en salud y, por tanto, la del médico no están estructuradas sobre la base de competencias profesionales, a pesar de su importancia en la educación del hombre y estar contempladas en el propósito básico de la carrera de Medicina. Objetivo: Exponer media...

Práctica clínica de otorrinolaringólogos en Chile durante la pandemia COVID-19

Resumen Introducción: La práctica otorrinolaringológica presenta un riesgo elevado de contagio de SARS-CoV-2. Considerando esto, diversas sociedades científicas a nivel mundial llamaron a establecer prioridades en la atención clínica. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de la pandemia en la práctica clí...

Teaching in health residencies: knowledge of preceptors under Shulman's analysis

ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand how the pedagogical knowledge that integrates the basic knowledge of teaching is perceived by preceptors in residents' teaching-learning process. Methods: a qualitative research conducted by semi-structured interview from December 2013 to July 2014, with 31 preceptors...

Narrativas sobre processos educacionais na saúde

Resumo Este estudo objetivou analisar narrativas de profissionais de saúde acerca de suas vivências em cursos voltados ao desenvolvimento de saberes e práticas em educação na saúde. Duas categorias analíticas nortearam este estudo: experiência e temporalidade. Para a análise foram utilizadas nar...

Clinical supervision and preceptorship/tutorship: contributions to the Supervised Curricular Internship in Nursing Education

ABSTRACT Objective: To reflect on the contributions of the clinical supervision and preceptorship/tutorship as means to approach and engage nurses of healthcare services in activities related to the Supervised Curricular Internship, discussing conceptual, theoretical, and practical approaches for higher...

Nursing students' errors in clinical learning. Qualitative outcomes in Mixed Methods Research

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze factors associated with nursing students' errors during clinical learning, and their perceptions regarding these events and the opportunity for learning and development provided by them. Method: Convergent Mixed Method design according Creswell and Clark. Qualitative dime...

Nurses' knowledge and competencies for preceptorship in the basic health unit

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the actions performed by nurses in the preceptorship of students in the Basic Health Unit (Portuguese acronym: UBS); to identify the knowledge of nurses and competencies they need to acquire or develop in order to act in the preceptorship of students in the UBS; to discus...