Abstract Introduction: The River Tambo basin is one of the main hydrographic systems of the Peruvian western watershed, being a source of development for agriculture, agroindustry, livestock, and domestic use in the Tambo Valley and Arequipa City. Objective: To analyze the structure of macroinvertebr...
Khan, W;
Hassan, H. U;
Gabol, K;
Khan, S;
Gul, Y;
Ahmed, A. E;
Swelum, A. A;
Khooharo, A. R;
Ahmad, J;
Shafeeq, P;
Ullah, R. Q.
The basic aim of this study was aimed to determine the ichthyofaunal diversity of River Panjkora in both upper and lower Dir districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.Fish samples were collected by using fishnets from March to September 2020. A total of 724 specimens were collected and classif...
Abstract Indian major carps are the widely consumed fish species of Pakistan, being a cheap source of proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, they are good for cardiovascular health. Water pollution due to discharge of untreated industrial waste water into water bodies contaminates this precious source of ...
Abstract Birds are among the best bio-indicators, which can guide us to recognize some of the main conservation concerns in ecosystems. Anthropogenic impacts such as deforestation, habitat degradation, modification of landscapes, and decreased quality of habitats are major threats to bird diversity. The ...
Abstract The Seybouse is the second largest river basin in Algeria, hosting an important biodiversity and providing various ecosystem services. This watershed is highly influenced by agricultural and industrial activities, which threaten its biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. The use of benthic macroi...
Abstract This research aimed to estimate the length-weight ratio (LWR) of the stingray Potamotrygon wallacei, known locally as the cururu, which was caught in streams and lakes in the middle Negro River region, Amazonas, Brazil. The stingrays were captured during the night (from 11 pm to 1 am) near the s...
Abstract The aim objective of this study was to determine the trophic ecology of juvenile and adult Acestrorhynchus falcirostris during the rising and flood (high-water) period in six island lakes adjacent to the Solimões River. As such, we investigated: i) the trophic position, through the fractional t...
Introducción: Las comunidades de macroinvertebrados son afectadas simultáneamente por la calidad del agua y las características físicas del hábitat acuático, complicando su uso en la bioindicación. Objetivo: Determinar cuáles variables del hábitat condicionan la comunidad de macroinvertebrados a...
Introduction: The variability in the structure of aquatic communities is frequently attributed to environmental changes; however, in stable environments such as regulated rivers, trophic interactions could be another key environmental factor determining the structure of these communities. These alteratio...
Introducción. La tasa de mortalidad neonatal (TMN) es un indicador de condiciones socioeconómicas, ambientales y sanitarias. La cuenca Matanza Riachuelo (CMR) es la más contaminada de Argentina. Objetivo. Analizar la evolución de la mortalidad neonatal (MN) en la CMR entre los años 2010 y 2019, sus ...