Results: 6

Criteria for identification of Schistosoma mansoni eggs in faecal sediments prepared with the Helmintex method and stained by ninhydrin

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 114 (), 2019
Helmintex is a sensitive method used for detecting Schistosoma mansoni eggs. Here, we describe the observed frequency of six proposed criteria associated with the identification of S. mansoni eggs prepared with the Helmintex method and stained with ninhydrin. The efficacy of these criteria in classifying...

Concordance between the zinc sulphate flotation and centrifugal sedimentation methods for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites

Biomédica (Bogotá); 36 (4), 2016
Resumen Introduction: The diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections depends on the parasite load, the specific gravity density of the parasite eggs, oocysts or cysts, and the density and viscosity of flotation or sedimentation medium where faeces are processed. Objective: To evaluate the concordance...

Estudio de la presencia de huevos de Toxocara sp. en suelos de áreas públicas de la ciudad de Chillán, Chile

Rev. chil. infectol; 33 (4), 2016
Introduction: Squares and public areas are mentioned frequently as source of infections by Toxocara sp. for people. There is no study of the presence of Toxocara sp. eggs in soils of the city of Chillán, Chile. Aims: To assess the presence of toxocara eggs in the soils of public areas of Chillán. Mater...

Parasitological stool sample exam by spontaneous sedimentation method using conical tubes: effectiveness, practice, and biosafety

INTRODUCTION: Spontaneous sedimentation is an important procedure for stool examination. A modification of this technique using conical tubes was performed and evaluated. METHODS: Fifty fecal samples were processed in sedimentation glass and in polypropylene conical tubes. Another 50 samples were used fo...

Rendimiento del método SAF y SAF modificado en el diagnóstico de laboratorio en las enteroparasitosis
Performance of SAF and SAF modified method in the laboratory diagnosis of enteroparasitosis

Se presenta una evaluación del rendimiento del método de SAF, PAF y TM en el diagnóstico coproparasitológico, proponiéndose además una nueva modificación al método de SAF (SAFm). Esta consiste en reemplazar el frotis con tinción tricrómica permanente, por dos preparaciones para examen al fresco...

Avaliaçäo do método de Kato & Miura: estudo comparativo das modificaçöes propostas a esse método por Borda & Pellegrino e por Katz, Chaves & Pellegrino em relaçäo ao método do Stoll & Hausheer no diagnóstico quantitativo da ancilostomose

Avaliando-se, o método de KATO & MIURA (1954) nas modificaçöes que lhe foram propostas por BORDA & PELLEGRINO (1971) e por KATZ e cols. (1972), tendo como parâmetro o método de STOLL & HAUSHEER (1926), concluiu-se pela evidente superioridade deste último no diagnóstico quantitativo da ancilostomos...