Abstract Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) is one of the major rice diseases in Malaysia. This disease causes substantial yield loss as high as 70%. Development of rice varieties which inherited BLB resistant traits is a crucial approach to promote and sustain rice industry in Malaysia. Hence, this study aims ...
Shafqat, N;
Shahzad, A;
Shah, S H;
Mahmood, Z;
Sajid, M;
Ullah, F;
Islam, M;
Masood, R;
Jabeen, N;
Zubair, K.
Abstract Utilization of modern breeding techniques for developing high yielding and uniform plant types ultimately narrowing the genetic makeup of most crops. Narrowed genetic makeup of these crops has made them vulnerable towards disease and insect epidemics. For sustainable crop production, genetic var...
El frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) es el segundo grano más importante cultivado en Guatemala y es la principal fuente de proteína de origen vegetal para el guatemalteco. El cultivo se ve afectado por la antracnosis, una enfermedad causada por el patógeno Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, (Sacc. and...
Infecciones por Coronavirus/genética,
Epigénesis Genética,
Neumonía Viral/genética,
Enzima Convertidora de Angiotensina 2,
Infecciones por Coronavirus/epidemiología,
Resistencia a la Enfermedad/genética,
Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad/genética,
Variación Genética,
Genoma Humano,
Genoma Viral,
Antígenos HLA-B/genética,
Peptidil-Dipeptidasa A/genética,
Neumonía Viral/epidemiología,
ARN Viral/genética,
Receptores Virales/genética,
BACKGROUND: Rice sheath blight (caused by Rhizoctonia solani) and tobacco mosaic virus are very important plant diseases, causing a huge loss in global crop production. Paenibacillus kribbensis PS04 is a broad-spectrum biocontrol agent, used for controlling these diseases. Previously, extracellular polys...
Resistencia a la Enfermedad/genética,
Virus del Mosaico del Tabaco/patogenicidad,
Enfermedades de las Plantas/inmunología,
Control Biológico de Vectores,
Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología,
Fructosa/análogos & derivados,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa,
Polisacáridos Bacterianos,
Interacciones Huésped-Patógeno
El complejo mancha de asfalto (CMA) en maíz (ZeamaysL.), causado por los hongos Phyllachora maydis Maubl. Y Monographella maydis Müller & Samuels, es una enfermedad de importancia económica en Guatemala, que ha causado pérdida en el rendimiento entre 30 a 50%, inclusive del 100% si las condiciones so...
BACKGROUND: The infection of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed coat by the pathogenic fungus Aspergillus flavus has highly negative economic and health impacts. However, the molecular mechanism underlying such defense response remains poorly understood. This study aims to address this issue by profiling ...
Aspergillus flavus/fisiología,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa,
Expresión Génica,
Resistencia a la Enfermedad/genética
Ncube Kanyika, Busisiwe T;
Lungu, Davies;
Mweetwa, Alice M;
Kaimoyo, Evans;
Njung'e, Vincent M;
Monyo, Emmanuel S;
Siambi, Moses;
He, Guohao;
Prakash, Channapata S;
Zhao, Yongli;
de Villiers, Santie M.
Background This study aimed to identify and select informative Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers that may be linked to resistance to important groundnut diseases such as Early Leaf Spot, Groundnut Rosette Disease, rust and aflatoxin contamination. To this end, 799 markers were screened across 16 farme...
Background Head smut of maize, which is caused by Sporisorium reilianum f. sp. zeae (Kühn), is a serious disease in maize. In order to reveal the molecular mechanism of the resistance to head smut in maize, a microarray containing ~ 14,850 probes was used to monitor the gene expression profiles between ...
Background Molecular mechanisms of plant-pathogen interactions have been studied thoroughly but much about them is still unknown. A better understanding of these mechanisms and the detection of new resistance genes can improve crop production and food supply. Extracting this knowledge from available geno...