Results: 186

La suplementación con zinc favorece el crecimiento intrauterino en fetos de ratas diabéticas
Zinc supplementation favours intrauterine growth in diabetic rat fetuses

Medicentro (Villa Clara); 27 (4), 2023
La deficiencia de zinc puede ser un factor mediador en los trastornos del crecimiento fetal en la descendencia de la gestante diabética. Se persiguió como objetivo determinar la influencia de un suplemento con zinc sobre la morfometría externa corporal y craneofacial en fetos de ratas diabéticas con ...

Morfometría en placentas procedentes de embarazos gemelares
Morphometry in placentas from twin pregnancies

Rev. cuba. med. mil; 52 (2), 2023
Introducción: La disfunción de la placenta puede originar complicaciones fetales, restricción del crecimiento intrauterino y complicaciones maternas, como la preeclampsia. Objetivo: Identificar el patrón morfométrico de las placentas gemelares y su relación con la corionicidad, el peso del recién ...

Câncer de colo uterino na gestação

FEMINA; 51 (5), 2023
PONTOS-CHAVE • A incidência de câncer durante a gestação tem aumentado devido à tendência das mulheres em postergar a gravidez. O câncer de colo de útero é a terceira neoplasia mais comumente diagnosticada durante o período gestacional. • O rastreamento e o diagnóstico devem se dar como...

Prediction of Perinatal and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Newborns with a Birth Weight below the 3rd Percentile: Performance of Two International Curves - Prospective Cohort from a Brazilian City

Abstract Objectives To evaluate the performance of Intergrowth-21 st (INT) and Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) curves in predicting perinatal and neurodevelopmental outcomes in newborns weighing below the 3rd percentile. Methods Pregnant women with a single fetus aged less than 20 weeks from a general ...

Biometría fetal en la confirmación de restricciones del crecimiento intrauterino
Fetal Biometrics in Confirming Restrictions of Intrauterine Growth

Introducción: El crecimiento y el desarrollo son fenómenos biológicos que implican aumento de masa celular y diferenciación de forma o función, respectivamente. En beneficio del diagnóstico, se utilizan las bondades del ultrasonido en la evolución biométrica del crecimiento fetal. Objetivo: Deter...

Maternal Blood Fatty Acid Levels in Fetal Growth Restriction

Abstract Objective: To assess the maternal blood levels of fatty acids (FAs) in pregnancies with fetal growth restriction (FGR). Methods: This prospective cross-sectional study included pregnant women with gestational age between 26 and 37 + 6 weeks with FGR and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) fe...

Comparison between Protocols for Management of Fetal Growth Restriction

Abstract This comprehensive review compares clinical protocols of important entities regarding the management of fetal growth restriction (FGR), published since 2015. Five protocols were chosen for data extraction. There were no relevant differences regarding the diagnosis and classification of FGR betwe...

Hipospadias: del diagnóstico ecográfico prenatal al manejo posnatal

El hipospadias es la localización anormal del meato urinario y es la malformación de genitales externos más frecuentemente diagnosticada. El diagnóstico prenatal es posible mediante ecografía sistemática desde la semana 20 de gestación, siendo más fácil su diagnóstico en el tercer trimestre. La...

Poor nutritional status of fifteen-year-old or younger adolescent mothers enhances the risk of small-for-gestational-age newborns

Clin. biomed. res; 43 (1), 2023
Introduction: To analyze the factors (socio-demographic, clinical, prenatal care, delivery, postpartum data and anthropometric measures) associated with the birth of small for gestational age newborns.Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed with 15 years old or younger postpartum adolescents divid...

Ductus venosus as a marker of fetal growth in first trimester in a population of Colombian pregnant women

Abstract Objectives: to evaluate the relationship between the ductus venosus (DV) and the variables of fetal growth in the first trimester in a Colombian pregnant population. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with secondary data obtained from a multicenter study.526 patients ...