Results: 5

Implications of domestic dogs in the epidemiology of Rickettsia parkeri strain Atlantic rainforest and Rangelia vitalii in Southeastern Brazil

Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of diseases transmitted by Amblyomma ovale in 61 dogs monitored for three years through collections of ticks and blood, interviews, telemetry and camera traps in three areas of Serra do Mar State Park, Brazil. Blood samples were used to investigate inf...

Spotted fever group rickettsial infection in dogs and their ticks from domestic-wildlife interface areas in southeastern Brazil

Abstract Rickettsia rickettsii is the causative agent of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF), for which humans and dogs are both susceptible. Dogs are sentinels in serological surveys, however, canine disease is rarely reported. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate natural infection by spotted fever group (SFG) Ric...

Serosurvey of Rickettsia spp. in cats from a Brazilian spotted fever-endemic area

Abstract Rickettsia spp. bacteria are responsible for tick-borne diseases worldwide, mostly maintained by rickettsial amplifiers capybaras in Brazilian endemic areas. The campus of the University of São Paulo, in southeastern Brazil, is an area endemic for Brazilian spotted fever (BSF), with high densit...

Caso autóctono de fiebre manchada por Rickettsia parkeri en Ensenada, Buenos Aires
Autochthonous case of spotted fever caused by Rickettsia parkeri in Ensenada, Buenos Aires

Medicina (B.Aires); 78 (3), 2018
Se comunica un caso autóctono de fiebre manchada por Rickettsia parkeri en un adulto residente en Ensenada, Provincia de Buenos Aires ocurrido en el verano de 2016. El cuadro, secundario a una mordedura de garrapata en la pierna izquierda, se presentó como un síndrome febril agudo con deterioro del es...

Antibodies for Rickettsia spp. in patients with negative serology for dengue virus, leptospirosis, and meningococcal disease in municipalities of São Paulo State, Brazil

Abstract INTRODUCTION Brazilian spotted fever is an infectious disease with a high mortality rate if not treated early. Differential diagnosis is difficult, as the first clinical signs are non-specific and can be confused with other diseases. The aim of the study was to investigate evidence of infectio...