Results: 124

The optical behavior of pressable lithia-based glass-ceramics under two different heat treatment protocols

Braz. dent. sci; 27 (2), 2024
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the optical behavior of pressable lithia-silicate and lithia-zirconia-silicate glass ceramics toward additional heat treatment protocols. Material and Methods: 40 lithia-silicate discs (15mm x 1mm) were heat pressed following the manufacturers’ instr...

Root filling quality and bond strength of endodontic sealers to human and bovine dentin

RFO UPF; 28 (1), 2023
Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a qualidade da obturação e a resistência de união de dois cimentos endodônticos, AH Plus e Bio-C Sealer, em dentes humanos e bovinos. Métodos: Os canais radiculares de 60 dentes unirradiculares [30 humanos (H) e 30 bovinos (B)] foram preparados e ob...

Efeito de diferentes irrigantes finais na resistência união de um cimento de silicato de cálcio: estudo in vitro

RFO UPF; 28 (1), 2023
Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a resistência de união do cimento Biodentine® à dentina radicular após a utilização de diferentes irrigantes finais. Método: Vinte dentes humanos extraídos tiveram seu terço médio radicular cortado em fatias que foram submersas em hipoclorito de...

Estabilidade de cor de diferentes sistemas cerâmicos fresados no CAD/CAM e polidos com diferentes métodos

A descoloração ou perda de translucidez dos materiais cerâmicos usados em odontologia ainda hoje é um problema, especialmente pelo comprometimento estético. Com o objetivo de comparar a estabilidade de cor, blocos de dissilicato de lítio (IPS e.max CAD HT) e de silicato de lítio reforçado com zir...

Investigation of the effect of indirect pulp capping materials on dentin mineral density

Braz. j. oral sci; 22 (), 2023
Aim: To evaluate the potential of inducing mineral density changes of indirect pulp capping materials applied to demineralized dentin. Methods: A total of 50 cavities were prepared, 5 in each tooth, in extracted ten molars without caries, impacted or semi-embedded. The cavities were scanned by microcompu...

Cirugía guiada y reconstrucción tisular luego de un fracaso: la importancia del diagnóstico y la planificación. Reporte de caso clínico
Guided surgery and tissue reconstruction after failure: the importance of diagnosis and planning. Report of a clinical case

La realización de un nuevo tratamiento luego de un fracaso con implantes dentarios representa un gran desafío para el profesional especialistas en implan-tología, así como para el paciente que debe someter-se a un nuevo procedimiento para rehabilitarse. En estos casos, el diagnóstico y la planificac...

Response of dental pulp capped with calcium-silicate based material, calcium hydroxide and adhesive resin in rabbit teeth

Braz. j. oral sci; 21 (), 2022
Direct pulp capping induces a local inflammatory process. Several biomaterials have been used for this procedure. The aim of this study was to compare the dentinal bridge thickness using three different pulp capping biomaterials with the conventional technique (high speed diamond bur) or Er-Yag laser, 1 ...

Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of nano-hydroxyapatite based experimental calcium silicate cement as a root repair material

J. oral res. (Impresa); 11 (1), 2022
Introduction: This study aimed to prepare a new root repair material including Portland cement, bismuth oxide, and nano-hydroxyapatite and analyze its physicochemical properties and its effects on the proliferation and differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs). Material and Methods: Bismut...

Eficacia Antimicrobiana del Cemento Portland Comparado con el Mineral Trióxido Agregado Frente a Enterococcus faecalis y Candida albicans

RESUMEN: El objetivo del estudio experimental in vitro fue evaluar la eficacia antimicrobiana del cemento Portland (CP) comparado con el Mineral Trióxido Agregado (MTA) frente a cepas de Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) y Candida albicans (C. albicans) a las 24, 48 y 72 horas después del sembrado. P...

A comparative evaluation of the sealing ability of two calcium silicate based sealers and a resin epoxy-based sealer through scanning electron microscopy and bond strength: an in vitro study

Braz. j. oral sci; 20 (), 2021
Aim: this study aimed to compare the sealing ability of two types of commercially available calcium silicate bioceramic based root canal sealers and a resin based root canal sealer. Methods: Twenty one single-rooted teeth were used, samples (n= 21) were randomly divided into three groups according to the...