La traqueotomía percutánea por dilatación es un procedimiento que se realiza en las unidades de paciente crítico, implica la disección roma de los tejidos pretraqueales, seguida de la dilatación de la tráquea sobre la guía y la inserción de la cánula traqueal mediante la técnica de Seldinger. ...
SUMMARY Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia is a rarely agentic disorder of the lipoprotein metabolism intimately related to premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease that can lead to high disability and mortality. Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia typically affects not only the aortic...
ABSTRACT Endovascular treatment for femoropopliteal arterial disease has made revascularization procedures less invasive, but the self-expanding stents used can suffer great wear in arteries with extreme mobility. Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of fractures in stents implanted in the femoropopli...
Abstract: Atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini is a skin disorder affecting dermal collagen and is clinically characterized by well-defined plaques of depressed skin. Histopathological changes are subtle, and in most cases, the diagnosis requires a comparative study with healthy skin from the same anatomic...