Results: 24

Síndrome de Robinow autosómico recesivo en una familia con dos hermanos afectados. Reporte de caso

Cuad. Hosp. Clín; 65 (1), 2024
El síndrome de Robinow es una enfermedad rara, de origen genético causada por mutaciones en diversos genes de la vía de señalización Wnt, entre ellos: WNT5A, DVL1, DVL3, ROR2, NXN y FZ2. El síndrome se caracteriza por anomalías craneofaciales, malformaciones en extremidades y alteraciones genitour...

Eucommia granules activate Wnt/β-catenin pathway, and improve oxidative stress, inflammation, and endothelial injury in preeclampsia rats

Acta cir. bras; 39 (), 2024
Purpose: Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-related complication. Eucommia is effective in the treatment of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, but the specific effects and possible mechanisms of Eucommia granules (EG) in PE remain unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects and possibl...

miR-29c-3p represses the angiogenesis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by targeting SERPINH1 to regulate the Wnt signaling pathway

Acta cir. bras; 38 (), 2023
Purpose: Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is characterized by early metastasis and late diagnosis. miR-29c-3p is confirmed to repress angiogenesis in multiple tumor types. Yet, the functions of miR-29c-3p in the mechanism of ESCC angiogenesis, which were not sufficiently explored previously, wer...

O papel de proteínas das vias WNT/ß-Catenina, TGF-ß/BMP4 e SHH na odontogênese e odontomas
The role of proteins from the WNT/ß-Catenin, TGF-ß/BMP4 and SHH pathways in odontogenesis and odontomas

O desenvolvimento do dente depende de uma série de interações sinalizadoras recíprocas entre o epitélio oral (EO) e o ectomesênquima derivado da crista neural, a via WNT com o TGF-β e BMP4 tem sido implicada na tumorigênese. A via de sinalização tipo Wingless (Wnt) / β-catenina é essencial pa...

Wnt1 and Wnt2b immunodetection of the regenerating tail and comparative ultrastructure of tail spinal cord in the Scincella tsinlingensis

Int. j. morphol; 40 (5), 2022
SUMMARY: The Wnt pathway is essential for the initiation of lizard tail regeneration. The regenerated lizard tails exhibit obvious morphological differences compared to the original ones. The expression of Wnt1 and Wnt2b proteins in the regenerating tail of Scincella tsinlingensis was detected by immunoh...

β-Catenin: oncogenic role and therapeutic target in cervical cancer

Biol. Res; 53 (), 2020
Cervical cancer is a common and fatal malignancy of the female reproductive system. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the primary causal agent for cervical cancer, but HPV infection alone is insufficient to cause the disease. Actually, most HPV infections are sub-clinical and cleared spontaneously by the hos...

Estrogen attenuates TGF-β1-induced EMT in intrauterine adhesion by activating Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 53 (8), 2020
Although estrogen has crucial functions for endometrium growth, the specific dose and underlying molecular mechanism in intrauterine adhesion (IUA) remain unclear. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of estrogen on epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in normal and fibrotic endometrium,...

Modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in IL-17A-mediated macrophage polarization of RAW264. 7 cells

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 53 (8), 2020
Macrophages play pivotal roles in host defense and immune homeostasis, which have two major functional polarization states, the classically activated M1 and the alternatively activated M2. Interleukin (IL)-17A is an immune modulator able to shape macrophage phenotypes. Wnt/β-catenin is a development...

O uso da citologia líquida para avaliação da expressão gênica e proteica de marcadores da via WNT associados a tumores de ovário

Pouco frequente, o câncer de ovário é hoje responsável por 4% dos tumores ginecológicos, já em avanço quando diagnosticado devido ausência de métodos de rastreio e diagnóstico efetivos. A via de sinalização WNT, que se encontra alterada em cânceres, possui papel importante no câncer de ová...

Estudo genômico do tumor embrionário hepatoblastoma

O hepatoblastoma, câncer de fígado mais comum na infância, é um tumor embrionário que se supõe surgir da interrupção da diferenciação hepática durante a embriogênese. O genoma deste tipo tumoral carrega poucas alterações somáticas, principalmente aneuploidias cromossômicas e mutações em...