Results: 3

The secreted acid trehalase encoded by the CgATH1 gene is involved in Candida glabrata virulence

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 115 (), 2020
BACKGROUND Candida glabrata yeast is the second cause of candidiasis worldwide. Differs from other yeasts since assimilates only glucose and trehalose (a characteristic used in rapid identification tests for this pathogen) by secreting into the medium a highly active acid trehalase encoded by the CgATH1 ...

Stress conditions in the host induce persister cells and influence biofilm formation by Staphylococcus epidermidis RP62A

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Studies have demonstrated that pathogens react to the harsh conditions in human tissues by inducing mechanisms that promote survival. METHODS: Persistence and biofilm-forming ability were evaluated during stress conditions that mimic those in the host. RESULTS: Carbon-source ava...

Heterogeneidade da virulência de cepas de Listeria monocytogenes, pertencentes a diferentes sorotipos, isoladas de amostras de alimento, do ambiente de processamento e de amostra clínica

Listeria monocytogenes é um patógeno intracelular facultativo responsável por listeriose, uma doença de origem alimentar. Dentre os 13 sorotipos de L. monocytogenes existentes, o sorotipo 4b é o mais freqüentemente isolado de humanos, enquanto os sorotipos 1/2a, 1/2b e 1/2c são mais freqüentes em...