Total: 989

Key Features and effects of educational Approaches to improve clinical performance

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) and Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) have formed a partnership to support ongoing training, education and quality improvement across the province. This partnership will develop provincial quality-management programs for the service areas of colonoscopy, m...

¿Cuál es el impacto de incorporar Medicinas Complementarias y Alternativas (MCA) sobre la atención de la salud y la calidad de vida de la población?: síntesis rápida de evidencia
What is the impact of incorporating Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) on health care and the quality of life of the population?

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO Algunas Medicinas Complementarias y Alternativas (MCA) han sido ampliamente reconocidas a nivel mundial por su efectividad clínica. Sin embargo, no se conoce su efecto a nivel de un centro de salud para promover la salud y mejorar la calidad de vida. En este contexto el Departame...

¿Qué efectos en la salud de la población tendría la exposición a campos electromagnéticos de baja frecuencia producidos por tendidos eléctricos de alta tensión o subestaciones de almacenamiento de energía?: síntesis rápida de evidencia
What are the health effects of exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields produced by high-voltage power lines or energy storage substations on the health of the population?: rapid evidence synthesis

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO Los potenciales efectos en salud de la exposición de campos electromagnéticos de extremada baja frecuencia (de 30 a 300 Hz) producidos por tendidos de alta tensión eléctrica se han debatido ampliamente, llegando a que distintos organismos internacionales han reportado opinione...

¿Cuál es el impacto de la educación nutricional sobre cambios conductuales en niños, adolescentes y adultos?: síntesis rápida de evidencia
What is the impact of nutrition education on behavioral changes in children, adolescents and adults?: rapid evidence synthesis

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO El sobrepeso es una epidemia de constante crecimiento a nivel mundial. En Chile, el programa Vida Sana intenta, a través de una perspectiva educacional, reducir el sobrepeso y obesidad en niños y adultos, realizando talleres sobre alimentación saludable y actividad física. En...

How do variations in definitions of “migrant” and their application influence the access of migrants to health care services?

Variations in definitions used for “migrant” and for different groups of migrants in different areas can affect health systems’ policies and migrants’ access to health care. This systematic review explored this issue using evidence from academic peer-reviewed and grey literature in 169 publicatio...

Public health aspects of mental health among migrants and refugees: a review of the evidence on mental health care for refugees, asylum seekers and irregular migrants in the WHO European Region

The increasing number of refugees, asylum seekers and irregular migrants poses a challenge for mental health services in Europe. This review found that these groups are exposed to risk factors for mental disorders before, during and after migration. The prevalence rates of psychotic, mood and substance u...

What is the evidence on the reduction of inequalities in accessibility and quality of maternal health care delivery for migrants? A review of the existing evidence in the WHO European Region

The number of female migrants of childbearing age is rapidly increasing, which entails specific needs for maternal health services. Through a systematic review of the academic literature and a critical interpretive synthesis of policy frameworks, the authors of this review aimed to assess interventions a...

Evidence on financing and budgeting mechanisms to support intersectoral actions between health, education, social welfare and labour sectors

Intersectoral collaboration between the health and the social welfare, education or labour sectors can help to influence the social determinants of health. Funding such collaboration can be difficult as these sectors may be subject to very different regulatory structures, incentives and goals. This revie...

Respostas rápidas para Políticas de Saúde Informadas por Evidências
Rapid response for evidence-informed health policy

É reconhecido amplamente que as intervenções de saúde sustentadas pelas evidências de pesquisa serão mais efetivas do que aquelas que não são. Entretanto, na formulação de políticas de saúde, com seus processos decisórios não lineares e motivações políticas concorrentes, o uso de evidên...

Consolidação da Rede para Políticas Informadas por Evidências - EVIPNet Brasil: relato da experiência nacional de construção de uma plataforma de tradução do conhecimento para o SUS
Consolidation for Evidence-Informed Policy Network - EVIPNet Brazil: report of the national experience of building a knowledge translation platform for Brazilian Public Healthcare System (SUS)

Esse artigo relata a experiência de implementação do plano de ação da Rede para Políticas Informadas por Evidências (EVIPNet Brasil), descrevendo suas atividades, de janeiro/2013 a março/ 2016, e discutindo sua relevância para a consolidação da iniciativa como uma plataforma de tradução do c...