Resultados: 3

Entrega de cupones o vouchers para la compra de frutas y verduras: informe técnico n°2: serie de informes técnicos en obesidad infantil
Delivery of coupons or vouchers for the purchase of fruits and vegetables: technical report n°2: technical report series on childhood obesity

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS El sobrepeso comprende un problema de salud a nivel global. Al mirar las tendencias en la población infantil, el último reporte de salud pública de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos sobre el país, estima que casi un 45% de los niños y niñas c...

Policy brief: when do vertical (stand-alone) programmes have a place in health systems?

The terms vertical and integrated are widely used in health service delivery, but each describes a range of phenomena. In practice, the dichotomy between them is not rigid, and the extent of verticality or integration varies between programmes – including (1) a vertically funded, managed, delivered and...

The Programme for Advancement through Health and Education (PATH)

PATH is a nation-wide programme providing two types of grants. The first is a health grant, which is contingent on certain members of the household attending public health clinics at regularly scheduled intervals. The second is the education grant, which is contingent on children aged 6-17 attending scho...