Resultados: 9

What are the roles of intercultural mediators in health care and what is the evidence on their contributions and effectiveness in improving accessibility and quality of care for refugees and migrants in the WHO European Region?

Intercultural mediators are employed to resolve linguistic and cultural barriers in a variety of health-care contexts. This report examines the main roles performed by intercultural mediators in health care across the WHO European Region and analyses evidence on their effectiveness in improving accessibi...

What is the evidence on availability and integration of refugee and migrant health data in health information systems in the WHO European Region? Themed issues on migration and health, X

The Health Evidence Network (HEN) is an information service for public health decision-makers in the WHO European Region, in action since 2003 and initiated and coordinated by the WHO Regional Office for Europe under the umbrella of the WHO European Health Information Initiative (a multipartner network c...

What constitutes an effective and efficient package of services for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of tuberculosis among refugees and migrants in the WHO European Region? Themed issues on migration and health, VIII

The WHO European Region has faced high rates of external and internal migration in recent years, with concerns that this is contributing to the burden of tuberculosis (TB), multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and TB/HIV coinfection in some countries. This report examines evidence of effective and efficient s...

What strategies to address communication barriers for refugees and migrants in health care settings have been implemented and evaluated across the WHO European Region? Themed issues on migration and health, IX

The provision of effective health care to linguistically and culturally diverse migrant populations has been identified as a crucial public health issue. This scoping review examines strategies that have been implemented and evaluated to address communication barriers experienced by refugees and migrants...

A review of evidence on equitable delivery, access and utilization of immunization services for migrants and refugees in the WHO European Region

This review focuses on existing immunization policies and practices for migrants and refugees and provides an overview of barriers and facilitators for access to and utilization of immunization services. Evidence was obtained by a scoping review of academic and grey literature in English and a further 11...

How do variations in definitions of “migrant” and their application influence the access of migrants to health care services?

Variations in definitions used for “migrant” and for different groups of migrants in different areas can affect health systems’ policies and migrants’ access to health care. This systematic review explored this issue using evidence from academic peer-reviewed and grey literature in 169 publicatio...

What is the evidence on the reduction of inequalities in accessibility and quality of maternal health care delivery for migrants? A review of the existing evidence in the WHO European Region

The number of female migrants of childbearing age is rapidly increasing, which entails specific needs for maternal health services. Through a systematic review of the academic literature and a critical interpretive synthesis of policy frameworks, the authors of this review aimed to assess interventions a...

Public health aspects of migrant health: a review of the evidence on health status for labour migrants in the European Region

A systematic search of scholarly and grey literature found 33 studies published in English between 2005 and 2015: 16 assessing the success of specific policies or interventions for labour migrants and 17 with best practice recommendations for policy-making. Documentation status, high socioeconomic status...

Public health aspects of migrant health: a review of the evidence on health status for undocumented migrants in the European Region

Undocumented migrants are people within a country without the necessary documents and permits. They are considered at higher risk for health problems because of their irregular status and the consequences of economic and social marginalization. A systematic review found 122 documents that suggested polic...