Results: 32

Perfil de Publicações na Revista Científica do Instituto Nacional de Saúde

Introdução: A Revista Moçambicana de Ciencias de Saúde (RMCS) foi instituída em 2013, com o objectivo de abarcar as diversas áreas de saúde humana, através de uma abordagem interdisciplinar dos aspectos relacio nados com a promoção de saúde pública, prestação de cuidados clínicos e gestã...

“Família Modelo” na Estratégia para Adopção de Comportamentos Preventivos da Cólera e Outras Doenças Transmissíveis na Província de Cabo Delgado

Introdução: O Ministério da Saúde, através da Medicos com África e o UNICEF, implementou uma das suas estratégias de comunicação para a mudança de comportamento intitulada “família modelo” na província de Cabo Delgado. Esta estratégia visa prevenir doenças como a malária, cólera, desn...

Performance of two plasma separation devices for HIV-1 viral load measurement in primary healthcare settings

Microbiol. spectr; 11 (6), 2023
ABSTRACT Dried blood spot (DBS) may overestimate the viral RNA, mainly in patients with low viral load (VL), due to proviral DNA and intracellular RNA. The Burnett and HemaSpot provide integrated solutions for the collection, separation, and drying of plasma from whole blood. This study aims to evalua...

Department of Epidemiology in Parasitic Diseases, University of Science, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Bamako, Mali

Int. j. dermatol; 65 (9), 2023
Cutaneous fungal infections are very common, especially in poorer communities and with intercurrent HIV infection. Determining the fungal pathogen in skin-related fungal neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) determines optimal therapy. We undertook a country survey across many African countries to determine...

Targeted and whole-genome sequencing reveal a north-south divide in P. falciparum drug resistance markers and genetic structure in Mozambique

Commun. biolog; 6 (1), 2023
Mozambique is one of the four African countries which account for over half of all malaria deaths worldwide, yet little is known about the parasite genetic structure in that country. We performed P. falciparum amplicon and whole genome sequencing on 2251 malaria-infected blood samples collected in 2015 a...

Study design and rationale for the PAASIM project: a matched cohort study on urban water supply improvements and infant enteric pathogen infection, gut microbiome development and health in Mozambique

BMJ; 3 (13), 2023
Introduction: Despite clear linkages between provision of clean water and improvements in child health, limited information exists about the health impacts of large water infrastructure improvements in low-income settings. Billions of dollars are spent annually to improve urban water supply, and rigorou...

Changes in prevalence and the cascade of care for type 2 diabetes over ten years (2005-2015): results of two nationally representative surveys in Mozambique

Sub-Saharan Africa is predicted to have the steepest increase in the prevalence of diabetes in the next 25 years. The latest Mozambican population-based STEPS survey (STEPS 2005) estimated a 2.9% prevalence of diabetes in the adult population aged 25-64 years. We aimed to assess the change in prevalence,...

Prevalence of hepatitis B virus and immunity status among healthcare workers in Beira City, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 17 (10), 2022
Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection can be prevented by vaccination. Exposure to blood or body fluids poses a high risk of transmission of HBV in health care workers (HCWs). This study aimed to determine the prevalence of markers of exposure, susceptibility, and protection to HBV infection in H...

Laryngeal tubercolosis: a case report with focus on voice assessment and review of the literature

Laryngeal tuberculosis (LTB) is a rare manifestation of tuberculosis (TB), accounting for 1% of all TB cases. Despite its rarity it is the most frequent laryngeal granulomatous disease. We performed a systematic literature review of the last 20 years on LTB and also present a case from our hospital with ...

Helios expressing regulatory T cells are correlated with decreased IL-2 producing CD8 T cells and antibody diversity in Mozambican individuals living chronically with HIV-1

BMC immunol. (Online); 23 (12), 2022
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) causes impairment of T and B cell responses, which begins during the acute phase of infection and is not completely restored by antiretroviral treatment. Regulatory T cell (Tregs) can improve overall disease outcome by controlling chronic inflammati...