Results: 338

Quality assurance for point-of-care testing in Mozambique’s National Health Service

Medical care in Mozambique is mostly provided through the national health service of the Ministry of Health. All primary healthcare and HIV-related services are provided free of charge. There are over 1500 public sector health facilities in Mozambique and most of these are primary healthcare centres. Alt...

Dried blood spots for Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae detection and serotyping among children < 5 years old in rural Mozambique

BMC pediatr. (Online); 20 (326), 2020
Background: Dried blood spots (DBS) have been proposed as potentially tool for detecting invasive bacterial diseases. Methods: We evaluated the use of DBS for S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae detection among children in Mozambique. Blood for DBS and nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs were collected from children w...

Community-level interventions for pre-eclampsia (CLIP) in Mozambique: A cluster randomised controlled trial

Objectives: Pregnancy hypertension is the third leading cause of maternal mortality in Mozambique and contributes significantly to fetal and neonatal mortality. The objective of this trial was to assess whether task-sharing care might reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes related to delays in triage, transpo...

High Mobility and STIs/HIV among Women Informal Cross Border Traders in Southern Mozambique: Exploring Knowledge, Risk Perception, and Sexual Behaviors

High circular mobility creates vulnerability and elevates risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). We aim to explore knowledge, perceptions of risk, and sexual behaviors in relation to STIs/HIV, in Mozambican women involved in an informal cross border ...

Factors associated with HIV serodiscordance among couples in Mozambique: Comparison of the 2009 INSIDA and 2015 IMASIDA surveys

PLos ONE; 15 (6), 2020
Recent studies suggest that a large proportion of new HIV-1 infections in mature epidemics occurs within discordant couples, making discordancy a major contributor to the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa. This paper aims at assessing changes over a five-year period (2009-2015) on the (risk) factors associate...

Relatório preliminar do estudo de avaliação de uso de máscaras no âmbito da prevenção da COVID-19 em lugares públicos - O caso da Cidade de Maputo
reliminary report of the study to evaluate the use of masks as part of the prevention of COVID-19 in public places - The case of Maputo City

As máscaras faciais são efectivas para prevenção de infecções respiratórias. O uso destas durante epidemias ou surtos de doenças virais de vias respiratórias constitui uma medida eficaz para prevenção da disseminação do vírus. Com objectivo de avaliar o nível de cumprimento das medidas de ...

Using repeated home-based HIV testing services to reach and diagnose HIV infection among persons who have never tested for HIV, Chókwè health demographic surveillance system, Chókwè district, Mozambique, 2014-2017

PLos ONE; 15 (11), 2020
Background: HIV prevalence in Mozambique (12.6%) is one of the highest in the world, yet ~40% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) do not know their HIV status. Strategies to increase HIV testing uptake and diagnosis among PLHIV are urgently needed. Home-based HIV testing services (HBHTS) have been evaluate...

Geostatistical analysis and mapping of malaria risk in children of Mozambique

PLos ONE; 15 (11), 2020
Malaria remains one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in the tropics and subtropics, andMozambiqueisnotanexception. To design geographically targeted and effective intervention mechanisms of malaria, an up-to-date map that shows the spatial distribution of malaria is needed. This study analyzed 2...

Limitations to current methods to estimate cause of death: a validation study of a verbal autopsy model

Gates Open Res; 16 (1), 2020
Background: Accurate information on causes of death (CoD) is essential to estimate burden of disease, track global progress, prioritize cost-effective interventions, and inform policies to reduce mortality. In low-income settings, where a significant proportion of deaths take place at home or in poorly-r...

Demographic and health community-based surveys to inform a malaria elimination project in magude district, southern Mozambique

BMJ Open; 10 (5), 2020
Objectives: A Demographic and Health Platform was established in Magude in 2015, prior to the deployment of a project aiming to evaluate the feasibility of malaria elimination in southern Mozambique, named the Magude project. This platform aimed to inform the design, implementation and evaluation of the ...