Results: 186

Estudo de avaliação multi-nacional

Clinical malaria in african pregnant women

Malar. j. (Online); 7 (27), 2008
Background: There is a widespread notion, based on limited information, that in areas of stable malaria transmission most pregnant women with Plasmodium falciparum infection are asymptomatic. This study aim to characterize the clinical presentation of malaria in African pregnant women and to evaluate the...

Contribuição para o estudo de resistência aos antimaláricos e análise de marcadores moleculares de Plasmodium falciparum e do hospedeiro humano, em Maputo, Moçambique
Contribution to the study of antimalarial resistance and analysis of molecular markers of Plasmodium falciparum and the human host, in Maputo, Mozambique

A malária é de longe a doença parasitária mais importante em Moçambique, constituindo um grave problema de saúde pública no País. Apesar de se considerar que um diagnóstico atempado e um tratamento correcto são os elementos básicos para um programa de controlo da malária bem sucedido, nas úl...

Safety of the RTS, S/AS02D candidate malaria vaccine in infants living in a highly endemic area of Mozambique: a double blind randomised controlled phase I/IIb trial

Lancet; 370 (9598), 2007
Background: Malaria remains a leading global health problem that requires the improved use of existing interventions and the accelerated development of new control methods. We aimed to assess the safety, immunogenicity, and initial efficacy of the malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS02D in infants in Africa. Methods...

Varying efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in infants in two similar trials: public health implications

Malar. j. (Online); 6 (132), 2007
Background: Intermittent preventive treatment (IPTi) with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) in infants resulted in different estimates of clinical malaria protection in two trials that used the same protocol in Ifakara, Tanzania, and Manhiça, Mozambique. Understanding the reasons for the discrepant result...

Safety and immunogenicity of the RTS, S/AS02A candidate malaria vaccine in children aged 1–4 in Mozambique

Trop. med. int. health; 29 (1), 2007
The development of a malaria vaccine remains a public health priority for sub-Saharan Africa. RTS,S/AS02A candidate malaria vaccine has been shown to be safe and immunogenic in previous studies in adults and staggered dose-escalation studies in children in The Gambia. However, genetic features and the in...

Seasonal variations in maternal mortality in Maputo, Mozambique: the role of malaria

Trop. med. int. health; 12 (1), 2007
Objective: To evaluate the impact of malaria on maternal death through the analysis of the seasonal variations of crude and malaria-specific maternal mortality rates. Methods: All maternal deaths and live births occurring at Maputo Central Hospital, located in an urban area, between January 2001 and Dece...

Inquérito Nacional sobre Indicadores de Malária em Mocambique (IIM-2007)

A malária ainda continua sendo um dos principais problemas de saúde pública em Moçambique. O Ministério de Saúde através do Programa Nacional de Controlo da Malária delineou estratégias para a expansão massiva de intervenções com o objectivo de acelerar a redução do peso da malária. A aval...

RTS, S/AS02A malaria vaccine does not induce parasite CSP T cell epitope selection and reduces multiplicity of infection

PLoS clin. trials; 1 (5), 2006
The candidate malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS02A is a recombinant protein containing part of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) sequence of Plasmodium falciparum, linked to the hepatitis B surface antigen and formulated in the proprietary adjuvant system AS02A. In a recent trial conducted in children younger th...