Results: 1295

Investigation and contact tracing of the first cases of COVID-19 in Mozambique, 2020

Pan Afr. med. j; 41 (302), 2022
Contact tracing is an important strategy to interrupt the spread of infectious disease and prevent new cases. After the confirmation of the first positive case of COVID-19 in Mozambique on March 22, 2020, case investigation and contact tracing were immediately initiated, which included clinical and labor...

Evaluation of the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis surveillance system in Maputo City, Mozambique in the period 2017-2018

Pan Afr. med. j; 41 (), 2022
Introduction: multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) remains a public health problem worldwide. In Mozambique, cases of MDR-TB have increased annually. In 2018, 1,206 cases were reported, as compared to 943 cases in 2017. The aim of this study was to assess the surveillance system for multidrug-resist...

Moçambique. Manual de biossegurança e bioprotecção do instituto nacional de saúde
Biosafety and bioprotection manual of the national institute of health

Ao efectuarmos a revisão deste manual pretendemos apresentar uma nova dinâmica sobre os principais conceitos relativos a Biossegurança e Bioprotecção, suas interfaces essenciais e permitir que esses conhecimentos teóricos se desdobrem em acções práticas no dia-a-dia dos funcionários e colaborad...

High Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders in Adolescents and Youth Living with HIV: An Observational Study from Eight Health Services in Sofala Province, Mozambique

AIDS patient care STDs; 36 (4), 2022
Adolescent mental health (MH) is a significant global health concern, which is extremely relevant when referring to adolescents and youth living with HIV (AYHIV). In Mozambique, ∼52% of the population is <18 years and the country has the world's eighth highest HIV prevalence (insert citation). We perfo...

Vigilância Combinada de Factores de Risco e Doenças Não Transmissíveis em Moçambique: Estudos de Exequibilidade
Combined Surveillance of Risk Factors and Noncommunicable Diseases in Mozambique: Feasibility Studies

Introdução: A crescente carga global de Doenças Não Transmissíveis (DNTs) exige sistemas de vigilância que permitam acompanhar as tendências e avaliar o impacto de intervenções. O objectivo destes estudos foi testar modelos de vigilância hospitalar e comunitária de factores de risco e de DNTs....

Terapêutica Medicamentosa e Fitoterapia da COVID-19: Relevância para Moçambique
COVID-19 Drug Therapeutics and Phytotherapy: Relevance to Mozambique

Introdução: Desde o surgimento da pandemia da COVID-19 até 26 de Abril de 2022, houve 508 041 253 casos confirmados, incluindo 6 224 220 óbitos. A África contava, na altura, com 8 727 503 casos confirmados e 171 603 óbitos, enquanto Moçambique contabilizava 225 366 casos e 2 201 óbitos. Esta revi...

Plano Estratégico Multissectorial de Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças Não Transmissíveis 2020 – 2029

Em Moçambique, à semelhança de muitos países, o desenvolvimento económico está a trazer grandes benefícios, mas também mudanças negativas na dieta e estilos de vida. É preocupante a tendência crescente de prevalência de factores de risco e doenças como hipertensão arterial, obesidade, diabe...

Determinants of immunisation dropout among children under the age of 2 in Zambézia province, Mozambique: a community-based participatory research study using Photovoice

BMJ Open; 12 (3), 2022
Objective Immunisations are highly impactful, cost-effective public health interventions. However, substantial gaps in complete vaccination coverage persist. We aimed to describe caregivers’ immunisation experiences and identify determinants of vaccine dropout. Design We used a community-based partici...

Effectiveness of Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccine in Mozambique, a Country with a High Burden of Chronic Malnutrition

Vaccine; 10 (449), 2022
Mozambique introduced monovalent rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix®) in September 2015. We evaluated the effectiveness of Rotarix® under conditions of routine use in Mozambican children hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis (AGE). A test negative case-control analysis was performed on data collected during ...

Genetic characterisation of south african and mozambican bovine rotaviruses reveals a typical bovine-like artiodactyl constellation derived through multiple reassortment events

PloS pathog; 20 (2), 2022
This study presents whole genomes of seven bovine rotavirus strains from South Africa and Mozambique. Double-stranded RNA, extracted from stool samples without prior adaptation to cell culture, was used to synthesise cDNA using a self-annealing anchor primer ligated to dsRNA and random hexamers. The cDNA...