Results: 67

Long-lasting household damage from Cyclone Idai increases malaria risk in rural western Mozambique

Cyclone Idai in 2019 was one of the worst tropical cyclones recorded in the Southern Hemisphere. The storm caused catastrophic damage and led to a humanitarian crisis in Mozambique. The affected population suffered a cholera epidemic on top of housing and infrastructure damage and loss of life. The housi...

Examining comorbidities in children with diarrhea across four provinces of Mozambique: A cross-sectional study (2015 to 2019)

PLos ONE; 14(1) (), 2023
Comorbidities are defined as the simultaneous occurrence of two or more diseases within the same individual. Comorbidities can delay a patient's recovery and increase the costs of treatment. Assessing comorbidities can provide local health care policy-makers with evidence of the most common multi-health ...

Mask use in public places in Maputo City, Mozambique: Cross-sectional survey

PLos ONE; 18 (8), 2023
Introduction: The use of face masks is one of the preventive measures that Mozambique adopted in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. A study carried out from May 25 to June 6, 2020 found that although many wore masks, incorrect use was observed in 27.5% of the population observed. This data collection...

Long-term impacts of an urban sanitation intervention on enteric pathogens in children in Maputo city, Mozambique: study protocol for a cross-sectional follow-up to the Maputo Sanitation (MapSan) trial 5 years postintervention

BMJ Open; 13 (6), 2023
Introduction We previously assessed the effect of an onsite sanitation intervention in informal neighbourhoods of urban Maputo, Mozambique on enteric pathogen detection in children after 2 years of follow-up (Maputo Sanitation (MapSan) trial, NCT02362932). We found significant reducti...

Positive attitudes toward adoption of a multi-component intervention strategy aimed at improving HIV outcomes among adolescents and young people in Nampula, Mozambique: perspectives of HIV care providers

Background: Service providers' attitudes toward interventions are essential for adopting and implementing novel interventions into healthcare settings, but evidence of evaluations in the HIV context is still limited. This study is part of the CombinADO cluster randomized trial ( NCT0493...

Factores de risco de desmame precoce em trabalhadoras dos supermercados da cidade de nampula
Risk factors for early weaning in female supermarket workers in nampula city

Introdução: Considera-se desmame precoce, a interrupção do aleitamento materno antes de a criança completar seis meses de vida, independentemente da causa da decisão estar relacionada a mãe ou a criança. A pesquisa teve como objectivo, averiguar o risco do desmame precoce em trabalhadoras dos sup...

Reasons for non-disclosure of HIV-Positive status to healthcare providers: a mixed methods study in Mozambique
Reasons for non-disclosure of HIV-Positive status to healthcare providers: a mixed methods study in Mozambique

BMC health serv. res.; 23 (1), 2023
Background: Non-disclosure of known HIV status by people living with HIV but undergoing HIV testing leads to waste of HIV testing resources and distortion of estimates of HIV indicators. In Mozambique, an estimated one-third of persons who tested positive already knew their HIV-positive status. To our kn...

Changes in prevalence and the cascade of care for type 2 diabetes over ten years (2005-2015): results of two nationally representative surveys in Mozambique

Sub-Saharan Africa is predicted to have the steepest increase in the prevalence of diabetes in the next 25 years. The latest Mozambican population-based STEPS survey (STEPS 2005) estimated a 2.9% prevalence of diabetes in the adult population aged 25-64 years. We aimed to assess the change in prevalence,...

Sociodemographic characteristics of professional categories most affected by COVID-19 in Mozambique from March to July 2020

Pan Afr. med. j; 43 (155), 2022
The risk of a worker becoming ill due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is related to occupational exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Due to the need to restore work activities in Mozambique, the study was conducted with the aim of identifying the occupational ...

Primary health care management effectiveness as a driver of family planning service readiness: a cross-sectional analysis in central mozambique

Glob. health sci. pract; 10 (1), 2022
Introduction: The effectiveness of facility-level management is an important determinant of primary health care (PHC) reach and quality; however, the nature of the relationship between facility level management and health system effectiveness lacks sufficient empirical grounding. We describe the associat...