Results: 22

HIV Rapid Diagnostic Test Inventories in Zambézia Province, Mozambique: A Tale of 2 Test Kits

The first pillar of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goal seeks to accurately identify persons living with HIV (PLHIV), a process that is predicated on facilities having the necessary HIV tests available to perform the task. In many rural settings, the identification of PLHIV is accomplished through a two-step proces...

Good health’ as a barrier and facilitator to ART initiation: a qualitative study in the era of test-and-treat in Mozambique

Cult. health sex; 21 (9), 2019
HIV test-and-treat programmes are being implemented throughout sub-Saharan Africa, enrolling HIV-positive clients into antiretroviral treatment (ART) immediately after diagnosis, regardless of clinical stage or CD4 count. This study conducted in Mozambique examined what influenced clients who tested HIV-...

Mothers’ satisfaction with care during facility-based childbirth: a cross-sectional survey in southern Mozambique

BMC pregnancy childbirth; 19 (303), 2019
Background: Client satisfaction is an essential component of quality of care. Health system factors, processes of care as well as mothers’ characteristics influence the extent to which care meets the expectations of mothers and families. In our study, we specifically aimed to address the mothers’ exp...

Pefil profissional e programa formativo de técnico medio de protese dentária

O Ministério da Saúde tem vindo a melhorar a componente de formação do pessoal através de múltiplas iniciativas que incluem o aperfeiçoamento dos conteúdos dos currículos de formação e métodos de formação. A diretriz fundamental do programa de formação é a elevação do nível de com...

Barriers and facilitators to health care seeking behaviours in pregnancy in rural communities of southern Mozambique

Reprod. health; 13 (1), 2016
Background: In countries, such as Mozambique, where maternal mortality remains high, the greatest contribution of mortality comes from the poor and vulnerable communities, who frequently reside in remote and rural areas with limited access to health care services. This study aimed to understand women's h...

Treatment outcomes in a safety observational study of dihydroartemisinin/piperaquine (Eurartesim(®)) in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria at public health facilities in four African countries

Malar. j. (Online); 15 (43), 2016
Background: Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DHA-PQ) is one of five WHO recommended artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria. However, little was known on its post-registration safety and effectiveness in sub-Saharan Africa. DHA-PQ provides a long post-treatment pro...

Educational Intervention Increased Referrals to Allopathic Care by Traditional Healers in Three High HIV-Prevalence Rural Districts in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 8 (8), 2013
Introduction: Delayed uptake of clinical services impedes favorable clinical outcomes in Mozambique. Care is delayed among patients who initiate care with traditional healers; patients with conditions like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or tuberculosis are rarely referred to the health system in a ti...

Satisfação dos utentes dos centros de saúde da cidade da beira: relatório final de pesquisa

Nos últimos anos, a avaliação da satisfação em relação aos serviços de saúde ganhou grande importância como medida da qualidade na prestação de cuidados de saúde públicos. Com efeito, em contextos modernos e evoluídos as opiniões e preferências dos utentes têm produzido efeitos positivo...

An assessment of routine primary care health information system data quality in Sofala Province, Mozambique

Background: Primary health care is recognized as a main driver of equitable health service delivery. For it to function optimally, routine health information systems (HIS) are necessary to ensure adequate provision of health care and the development of appropriate health policies. Concerns about the qual...