Results: 186

First trimester use of artemisinin-based combination therapy and the risk of low birth weight and small for gestational age

Malar. j. (Online); 19 (1), 2020
While there is increasing evidence on the safety of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for the case management of malaria in early pregnancy, little is known about the association between exposure to ACT during the first trimester and the effect on fetal growth. Data were analysed from prospecti...

High proportion of unknown HIV exposure status among children aged less than 2 years: An analytical study using the 2015 National AIDS Indicator Survey in Mozambique

PLoS One; 15 (4), 2020
Background: Determination of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) exposure status in infants and young children is required to guarantee timely diagnosis and access to appropriate care. HIV prevalence among Mozambican women aged 15-49 years is 15%, and vertical transmission rate is still high. The stud...

Counter-Selection of Antimalarial Resistance Polymorphisms by Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Pregnancy

J. infect. dis; 221 (2), 2020
Background: Innovative approaches are needed to limit antimalarial resistance evolution. Understanding the role of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) on the selection for resistance and the impact such selection has on pregnancy outcomes can guide future interventions. Methods: Plasmod...

Directriz de garantia da qualidade do diagnóstico laboratorial da malária em moçambique

A malária é um problema de saúde pública em Moçambique sendo endémica em todo o país, variando de zonas de baixa a alta endemicidade. As condições climáticas como a temperatura e a precipitação e as condições ambientais como locais propícios para a reprodução do vector contribuem para...

Conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas em relação aos métodos de prevenção em particular a pulverização intra-domiciliária e o tratamento da malária nas Províncias de Nampula e Zambézia

Malaria remains a major public health problem worldwide, despite the report by the World Health Organization (WHO) referring to a progressive decrease in the number of malaria cases in the last decade. The main objective of this study is to assess the level of knowledge, attitudes and practic...

“We have this, with my husband, we live in harmony”: exploring the gendered decision-making matrix for malaria prevention and treatment in Nampula Province, Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 19 (133), 2020
Background: Conceptualizing gender dynamics and ways of bridging entrenched gender roles will contribute to better health promotion, policy and planning. Such processes are explored in relation to malaria in Mozambique. Methods: A multi-method, qualitative study using focus group discussions (FGDs) and i...

Estimation of malaria-attributable fever in malaria test–positive febrile outpatients in three provinces of mozambique, 2018

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 102 (1), 2020
Like most malaria-endemic countries, Mozambique relies on tabulation of confirmed malaria test–positive febrile patients to track incidence of malaria. However, this approach is potentially biased by incidental malaria parasitemia in patients with fever of another etiology. We compared pan-Plasmodium a...

Implementing malaria control in South Africa, Eswatini and southern Mozambique during the COVID-19 pandemic

S. Afr. med. j; 110 (11), 2020
The COVID-19 global pandemic reached South Africa (SA), Mozambique and Eswatini in March 2020.[1] Since then an exponential increase in SARS-CoV-2 infections has severely stretched SA’s healthcare system, especially in terms of in-hospital treatment of severe cases. The impact of COVID-19 in Mozambique...

Saberes sobre a malária: um estudo qualitativo baseado no Distrito do Lago, Província de Niassa (Moçambique – África)
Knowledge about malaria: a qualitative study based in the District of Lago District, Niassa Province (Mozambique - Africa)

Vittalle; 32 (3), 2020
Em Moçambique a malária é responsável por 60% de todas as admissões pediátricas, por 40% do total de consultas e ainda por 30% de todas as mortes registadas nos hospitais (2).Com vista a reverter esse cenário, o governo moçambicano, por intermédio do Programa Nacional de Combate à Malária (PCN...

Induction and decay of functional complement-fixing antibodies by the RTS,S malaria vaccine in children, and a negative impact of malaria exposure

BMC med; 17 (1), 2019
Background: Leading malaria vaccine, RTS,S, is based on the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) of sporozoites. RTS,S confers partial protection against malaria in children, but efficacy wanes relatively quickly after primary immunization. Vaccine efficacy has some association with anti-CSP IgG; however, it i...