Since the rapid scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) programs in sub-Saharan Africa, electronic patient tracking systems (EPTS) have been deployed to respond to the growing demand for program monitoring, evaluation and reporting to governments and donors. These routinely collected data are often used...
The HIV/AIDS pandemic is primarily caused by HIV-1. Another virus type, HIV-2, is found mainly in West African countries. We hypothesized that population migration and mobility in Africa may have facilitated the introduction and spreading of HIV-2 in Mozambique. The presence of HIV-2 has important implic...
Os traumas resultantes dos acidentes de viação são reconhecidos
mundialmente como um problema importante de saúde pública, atingindo milhares de
pessoas de vários estratos sócio-económicos sem distinção de género ou grupo etário. Em
Moçambique, como em muitos países em desenvolvimento, os t...
Objective: To describe and compare serotype distribution and antibiotic susceptibility of invasive and nasopharyngeal isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae from children in rural Mozambique. Methods: From August 2002 to July 2003, we prospectively obtained invasive pneumococcal isolates from children <15 ...