Results: 119

Alinhamento de Dados Entre os Sistemas de Reporte de HIV em Moçambique, 2017-2023

Introduçao: As intervenções de melhoria da qualidade dos dados, visam alinhar os sistemas nacionais de relatório do Ministério da Saúde (MISAU) e o Plano de Emergência do Presidente dos Estados Unidos da América para o Alívio da SIDA (PEPFAR). Por exemplo, a introdução da ficha de seguimento c...

Cascata da Profilaxia Pós-Exposição para Sobreviventes de Violência Baseada no Género em Moçambique, 2023
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Cascade for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence in Mozambique, 2023

Introdução: Moçambique implementa a Prevenção da Transmissão Vertical (PTV) do HIV como parte do Programa Nacional desde 2002. Apesar dos ganhos, a taxa de transmissão vertical continua elevada, estimada em 9% em 2023. Descrevemos o progresso da PTV nas Unidades Sanitárias (US) apoidas pelo PEPFA...

The Infomóvel-An information system for managing HIV/AIDS patients in rural areas of Mozambique

Mobile health is gradually revolutionizing the way medical care is delivered worldwide. In Mozambique, a country with a high human immunodeficiency virus prevalence, where antiretroviral treatment coverage is 77% accompanied by a 67% of retention rate, the use of mobile health technology may boost the an...

Perfil clinico-epidemiológico e factores associados à não supressão viral em pacientes vivendo com hiv/sida assistidos no centro integrado de tratamento no hospital militar de maputo (citra/hmm), 2019 à 2020
Clinical-epidemiological profile and factors associated with viral non-suppression in patients living with hiv/aids assisted at the integrated treatment center at the maputo military hospital (citra/hmm), 2019 to 2020

: Introdução: O HIV e SIDA é um problema de saúde pública global, responsável por cerca de 32.7 milhões de mortes de doenças relacionadas à SIDA desde o início da epidemia até o final de 2019, comprometendo a saúde, a força de produção e produtividade. Esse cenário tende a ser mais grave,...

Perfil epidemiologico dos obitos por virus de imunodeficiencia humanas/sida em mocambique durante ano de 2019
Epidemiological profile of human immunodeficiency virus/aids deaths in mozambique in 2019

Introdução: O HIV/SIDA é um problema de saúde pública no mundo. Em Moçambique a taxa de prevalência actualizada em 2021 foi 12,5%, e cerca de 27% e 11% das mortes em 2007 e 2019 que ocorreram em todas as idades estavam relacionados ao HIV. Foi objectivo deste trabalho analisar o perfil epidemioló...

Lay hiv counsellors’ knowledge and attitudes toward depression: a mixed-methods cross-sectional study at primary healthcare centers in mozambique

Front. public health; 10 (919827), 2022
Introduction Depression is the most common mental disorder among people living with HIV/AIDS and has a negative impact on HIV treatment outcomes. Training lay HIV counselors to identify and manage depression may contribute to improved patient access and adherence to treatment, and reduce stigma and discr...

Affordable CD4(+)-T-cell counting by flow cytometry: CD45 gating for volumetric analysis

The flow cytometers that are currently supported by industry provide accurate CD4(+)-T-cell counts for monitoring human immunodeficiency virus disease but remain unaffordable for routine service work under resource-poor conditions. We therefore combined volumetric flow cytometry (measuring absolute lymph...

What has comprehensive HIV/AIDS knowledge got to do with HIV testing among men in Kenya and Mozambique? Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys

J. biosoc. sci; 54 (4), 2022
People living with undiagnosed HIV are big contributors to the transmission of the virus. Although measures have been made to scale up HIV prevention and voluntary counselling and testing in sub-Saharan Africa, testing coverage remains low in many sub-Saharan African countries, including Mozambique and K...

Who Are the Men Who Pay for Sex in Mozambique? Results from the National HIV/AIDS Indicator Survey 2015

Arch. sex. behav; 50 (5), 2022
Mozambique has one of the highest burdens of HIV in the world, where the prevalence is estimated at 13.2% among adults aged 15-49 years. Men who pay for sex (MPS) are considered a bridging population for HIV infection. However, the characteristics of MPS in Mozambique are poorly understood. The objective...

Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling: A Tool to Guide Efforts to Reduce AIDS-Related Mortality in Resource-Limited Settings

Clin. infect. dis; 73 (5), 2021
Available information on the causes of death among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) remains scarce. We aimed to provide data on causes of death in PLHIV from two LMICs, Brazil and Mozambique, to assess the impact of clinical misdiagnosis ...