Introdução: A infecção pelo HIV e a mortalidade por SIDA tem afectado principalmente o segmento jovem, em
especial as adolescentes e jovens. Este segmento é o mais produtivo da população nos últimos anos. A prática
do sexo transacional, aliado ao fraco poder de negociação do uso do preservat...
Background: Insecticide-treated net (ITN) use is crucial for preventing malaria infection. Despite significant improvements in ITN access and use over the past two decades, many malaria-endemic countries in sub-Saharan Africa have not yet reached global targets for universal coverage of ITNs. To reduce t...
Background: A main criterion to identify malaria vaccine candidates is the proof that acquired immunity against them is associated with protection from disease. The age of the studied individuals, heterogeneous malaria exposure, and assumption of the maintenance of a baseline immune response can confound...
Background: The prevalence and determinants of HIV and late diagnosis of HIV in young women in Beira, Mozambique, were estimated in preparation for HIV prevention trials.
Methods: An HIV prevalence survey was conducted between December 2009 and October 2012 among 1,018 women aged 18-35 with two or more ...
Background: Loss to follow-up of HIV-positive patients before initiation of antiretroviral therapy can exceed 50% in low-income settings and is a challenge to the scale-up of treatment. We implemented point-of-care counting of CD4 cells in Mozambique and assessed the effect on loss to follow-up before im...