Results: 18

Assessment of diagnosis and treatment practices of diarrhoea in children under five in Maputo-Mozambique

Background: Although diagnosis and treatment of diarrhoea are considered easy, statistics show that 525,000 children worldwide die annually due to diarrhoea, 90% of the deaths are in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, and Mozambique account for 6.9%. Assessment of practices of diagnosis and treatment of ...

Community-acquired bacteremia among HIV-infected and HIV-exposed uninfected children hospitalized with fever in Mozambique

Background: Bacteremia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Children infected with HIV present with patterns of bacteremia generally associated with poor prognosis. In Mozambique, data on bacteremia are sparce. Methods: We conducted an observational study of HIV-infected and HIV-expose...

Altered Mental Status Among Febrile Hospitalized HIV-Infected Children Aged 0-59 Months in Mozambique

J. trop. pedriatr; 67 (3), 2021
Altered mental status (AMS) is a priority presenting sign that must be assessed in HIV-infected, febrile children, yet diagnosis is difficult in areas with limited diagnostic capacity. Malaria and bacterial meningitis have been reported as the most common causes of AMS in febrile children presenting to t...

Care-Seeking for Fever for Children Under the Age of Five Before and After the Free Healthcare Initiative in Burkina Faso: Evidence from Three Population-Based Surveys

: In 2016, a free healthcare policy (FHP) was implemented in Burkina Faso for children under the age of five. In our study, we aimed to determine the prevalence of careseeking for a fever in children under the age of five before and after the implementation of the FHP and to analyze the determinants of n...

Estimation of malaria-attributable fever in malaria test–positive febrile outpatients in three provinces of mozambique, 2018

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 102 (1), 2020
Like most malaria-endemic countries, Mozambique relies on tabulation of confirmed malaria test–positive febrile patients to track incidence of malaria. However, this approach is potentially biased by incidental malaria parasitemia in patients with fever of another etiology. We compared pan-Plasmodium a...

Inquerito nacional sobre indicadores de malaria (IIM) 2018

Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS) em colaboração com o Programa Nacional de Controlo da Malária (PNCM) e o Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), realizou o Inquérito Nacional de Indicadores de Malária (IIM 2018). O IIM 2018 foi um inquérito de base populacional concebido para obter estimativas...

Dynamics of afebrile plasmodium falciparum Infections in mozambican men

Clin. infect. dis; 67 (7), 2018
Background. Afebrile Plasmodium falciparum infections usually remain undetected and untreated in the community and could potentially contribute to sustaining local malaria transmission in areas aiming for malaria elimination. Methods. Thirty-two men with afebrile P. falciparum infections detected with ra...

Estudo da ocorrência de mosquitos díptera culicidae vectores da Dengue e de outras doenças de importância em saude pública nas cidades de Maputo e Pemba

As áreas rurais e urbanas garantem condições adequadas para a criação, estabilização e transmissão constante de várias doenças transmitidas por insectos em todas as regiões tropicais e subtropicais do mundo, com ênfase especial naquelas doenças transmitidas por mosquitos. Desde os primórdio...

Severe chikungunya infection in northern mozambique: a case report

BCM res. notes; 10 (1), 2017
Background: Although Chikungunya virus has rapidly expanded to several countries in sub-Saharan Africa, little attention has been paid to its control and management. Until recently, Chikungunya has been regarded as a benign and self-limiting disease. In this report we describe the first case of severe Ch...

Prevalence and determinants of malaria among children in Zambézia Province, Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 16 (108), 2017
Background: Malaria is the leading cause of death among children in Mozambique. Prevalence and factors associated with malaria are not well studied among children in rural Zambézia Province. Whether prevalence of malaria varies across diverse districts within the province is unknown. Methods: A cross...