Results: 7

Impacto dos modelos de financiamento na equidade no acesso, qualidade dos cuidados e garantia do direito universal à saúde em moçambique
Impact of financing models on equity in quality of care and guaranteeing the right to universal right to health in mozambique

O financiamento do sistema de saúde de Moçambique é marcado pela fragmentação decorrente da arquitetura da Assistência ao Desenvolvimento, pelo subfinanciamento crônico e por uma estrutura centralizada, que espelha as desigualdades sociais no país (Pfeiffer et al, 2017). O sector de saúde moçam...

Mozambique: primary health care support project (656-0226)

The proposed Primary Health Care Support Project is a $20.0 million project effort which will complement a future nonproject sector assistance effort, the Primary Health Care Financing Program, in FY 1992. The purpose of both the project and the program is. to more efficiently and productively utilize ...

Health expenditure in Mozambique: an analysis of mojor policy issues

Recently, the Mozambican health sector has been struggling with some of the most problematic yet common questions related to the financial sustainability of its public health service. In common with other resource-constrained countries in the region, Mozambique has developed targets for poverty reduction...