Results: 25

Desafios e barreiras para o diagnóstico e manejo da Hipertensão Arterial e Diabetes Mellitus ao nível dos cuidados de saúde primários na Cidade e Província de Maputo: achados de um estudo qualitativo
Challenges and barriers to the diagnosis and management of Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus at the level of primary health care in the City and Maputo Province: findings from a qualitative study

Contexto O peso das Doenças Não Transmissíveis (DNT) é relativamente alto nos países de média e baixa renda, onde se antevê uma tendência de aumento drástico nos próximos anos. Uma resposta a este cenário implica adaptações significativas na forma como os serviços relacionados às DNT são ...

Feocromocitoma: Causa de Hipertensão Arterial num Adulto Jovem
Pheochromocytoma: Cause of Hypertension in a Young Adult

História Clínica Paciente de 24 anos, sexo masculino, solteiro, estudante, com história de cefaleia persistente e níveis tensionais elevados (155/129mmHg) desde Maio de 2019, altura em que foi medicado com Nifedipina 30mg (duas vezes por dia). Não apresentava qualquer tipo de comorbidades nos a...

Frequência da hipertensão arterial mascarada em pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 com pressão arterial casual normal
Frequency of masked arterial hypertension in patients type 2 diabetics with normal casual blood pressure

INTRODUÇÃO: A Hipertensão arterial (HTA) é um problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo devido à sua relação causal com doenças cardiovasculares (DCV). É complicação frequente em pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, aumentando o risco de DCV. A HTA Mascarada definida como a pressão arter...

An Epidemiological Study of Stroke Hospitalizations in Maputo, Mozambique A High Burden of Disease in a Resource-Poor Country

Already a major cause of death and disability in high-income countries, the burden of stroke in sub-Saharan Africa is also expected to be high. However, specific stroke data are scarce from resource-poor countries. We studied the incidence, characteristics, and short-term consequences of hospitalizations...

The prevalence of hypertension and its distribution by sociodemographic factors in Central Mozambique: a cross sectional study

BMC public health (Online); 20 (1843), 2020
Hypertension (HTN) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and its prevalence has been rising in low- and middle-income countries. The current study describes HTN prevalence in central Mozambique, association between wealth and blood pressure (BP), and HTN monitoring and diagnosis practice am...

The prevalence of hypertension and its distribution by sociodemographic factors in Central Mozambique: a cross sectional study

BMC public health (Online); 20 (1843), 2020
Background: Hypertension (HTN) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and its prevalence has been rising in low- and middle-income countries. The current study describes HTN prevalence in central Mozambique, association between wealth and blood pressure (BP), and HTN monitoring and diagnosis...

Profile of people seeking health services during Pope Francis’ visit to Mozambique, 2019

Parasit. vectors; (), 2020
Pope Francis visited Mozambique from September 4-6, 2019. During the visit, a real-time surveillance system for mass gathering events was implemented in all places where people gathered in Maputo City for early detection of possible outbreaks and other health-related events. The system was implemented at...

Correction to: Systems analysis and improvement approach to optimize the hypertension diagnosis and care cascade for PLHIV individuals (SAIA-HTN): a hybrid type III cluster randomized trial

Implementar Sci; 15 (1), 2020
Abstract Background: Across sub-Saharan Africa, evidence-based clinical guidelines to screen and manage hypertension exist; however, country level application is low due to lack of service readiness, uneven health worker motivation, weak accountability of health worker performance, and poor integration o...

Geographic access to emergency obstetric services: a model incorporating patient bypassing using data from Mozambique
Geographic access to emergency obstetric services: a model incorporating patient bypassing using data from Mozambique

BMJ Glob Health; 4 (5), 2019
Targeted approaches to further reduce maternal mortality require thorough understanding of the geographic barriers that women face when seeking care. Common measures of geographic access do not account for the time needed to reach services, despite substantial evidence that links proximity with greater ...