Results: 3

Diagnóstico das relações de trabalho vividas pela enfermagem em saúde materno-infantil no distrito de matola, província de maputo
Diagnosis of the working relationships experienced by maternal and child health nurses in the district of matola, maputo province

Este estudo desenvolvido para a elaboração da dissertação para o MESTRADO EM SISTEMAS DE SAÚDE, com vistas à obtenção do título de mestre. Este Mestrado resulta de um projeto de cooperação internacional entre a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, e o Institut...

Implementation of Point-of-Care Diagnostics Leads to Variable Uptake of Syphilis, Anemia and CD4+ T-Cell Count Testing in Rural Maternal and Child Health Clinics

PLos ONE; 10 (8), 2015
Introduction: Anemia, syphilis and HIV are high burden diseases among pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. A quasi-experimental study was conducted in four health facilities in Southern Mozambique to evaluate the effect of point-of-care technologies for hemoglobin quantification, syphilis testing and CD...

Risk factors for incomplete vaccination and missed opportunity for immunization in rural Mozambique

Background Inadequate levels of immunization against childhood diseases remain a significant public health problem in resource-poor areas of the globe. Nonetheless, the reasons for incomplete vaccination and non-uptake of immunization services are poorly understood. This study aimed at finding out the re...