Resultados: 40

Arbovirus researchers unite: expanding genomic surveillance for an urgent global need

Lancet Glob. Health; 11 (10), 2023
Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) are transmitted by arthropod vectors to humans, leading to disease outbreaks mainly in tropical regions of the world.1 Although many arboviruses are known, three Aedes-spp-borne viruses are particularly concerning for humans at a global scale due to recurring large a...

Evaluation of the health information system for monitoring and evaluating the voluntary medical male circumcision program in Mozambique, 2013-2019

Pan Afr. med. j; 42 (236), 2022
the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Mozambique has increased from 11.5% in 2009 to 13.2% in 2015. The Mozambique Ministry of Health (MOH) developed a 5-year strategy (2013-2017) for male voluntary medical circumcision (VMMC) to increase in the provinces where there is the greatest num...

The seasonality of cholera in sub-Saharan Africa: a statistical modelling study

Lancet Glob. Health; 10 (6), 2022
Cholera remains a major threat in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where some of the highest case-fatality rates are reported. Knowing in what months and where cholera tends to occur across the continent could aid in improving efforts to eliminate cholera as a public health concern. However, largely due to the ...

Natural disasters, population displacement and health emergencies: multiple public health threats in Mozambique

BMJ glob. health; 6 (9), 2021
No início de 2019, após a grave seca de 2015-2016, as províncias de Sofala e Cabo Delgado, em Moçambique, foram atingidas pelos ciclones Idai e Kenneth, respectivamente. Estes foram os ciclones mais mortíferos e destrutivos da história do país. Actualmente, estas duas províncias acolhem dezenas d...

Factores associados a mortabilidade por malária em 3 hospitais da Província da Zambézia em 2016

A malária é um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública em Moçambique e uma das principais causas de procura dos serviços de saúde. O Plasmodium falciparumé o parasita mais frequente, sendo responsável por mais de 90 % de todas as infecções. Nos últimos anos a taxa de incidência por malá...

A narrative review on Rotavirus A in Mozambique

Introduction: Rotavirus A (RVA) is a leading cause of acute infant gastroenteritis in Mozambique, responsible for approximately 13,000 annual infant deaths in peri-urban and other areas. Aim: the present review aimed summarize the most relevant and recent literature regarding RVA infection in Mozambique....

Epidemiological transition and double burden of diseases in low-income countries: the case of Mozambique

Pan African medical; 37 (49), 2020
Epidemiological transition theory aims to describe changes in epidemiological scenarios at the global and national level. The assumption is the shift from infectious diseases (IDs) to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Some authors argue that this theory failed to describe epidemiology in subSaharan Afric...

Proportions of CD4 test results indicating advanced HIV disease remain consistently high at primary health care facilities across four high HIV burden countries

PLos ONE; 15 (1), 2020
Background: Globally, nearly 22 million HIV-infected patients are currently accessing antiretroviral treatment; however, almost one million people living with HIV died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2018. Advanced HIV disease remains a significant issue to curb HIV-related mortality. Methods: We analyzed 8...

Avaliação epidemiológica em pacientes HIV no Sistema de Vigilância de rastreio de tuberculose na Provincia de Gaza em 2017

O Vírus da Imunodeficiência humana (HIV) é considerado o factor mais importante, que aumenta o risco para a reactivação da tuberculose (TB) latente e progressão para a TB activa. A co-infecção TB-HIV é um factor de risco graças a interação sinérgica entre os dois agentes na deficiência do...

Frequency and distribution of neglected tropical diseases in Mozambique: a systematic review

Infect. dis. poverty; 8 (103), 2019
Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) affect more than one billion people living in vulnerable conditions. In spite of initiatives recently contributing to fill NTDs gaps on national and local prevalence and distribution, more epidemiological data are still needed for effective control and elimination inter...