Resultados: 1295

Association between service readiness and PMTCT cascade efectiveness: a 2018 cross-sectional analysis from Manica province, Mozambique

Despite high coverage of maternal and child health services in Mozambique, prevention of mother to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) cascade outcomes remain sub-optimal. Delivery efectiveness is modifed by health system preparedness. Identifying modifable factors that impact quality of care and service ...

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and perinatal health service utilisation and outcomes in Mozambique: an interrupted time series analysis

BMJ Open; 12 (11), 2022
Objectives: To measure the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and perinatal health services and outcomes in Mozambique. Design: This is an observational study analysing routine service delivery data using interrupted time series analysis. We used 43 months of district-level panel data with Apr...

Achieving malaria testing and treatment targets for children under five in Mozambique: a cost-effectiveness analysis

Malar. j. (Online); 21 (320), 2022
Background: The entire population of Mozambique is at risk for malaria, which remains one of the leading causes of death. The 2017-2022 National Malaria Strategic Plan focuses on reducing malaria morbidity and mortality in high- and low-transmission areas. This study aimed to estimate the costs and healt...

Riscos, acidentes e doenças profissionais no bloco operatório central do hospital central de Maputo, no período de outubro a dezembro de 2021
Risks, accidents and occupational diseases in the central operating theatre of the central hospital of Maputo, from october to december 2021

Introdução: Os riscos, acidentes e doenças profissionais a que os trabalhadores de saúde estão expostos no ambiente hospitalar, constitui um problema de saúde pública reconhecido mundialmente, em particular em Moçambique. Objectivo: analisar os riscos, acidentes e doenças profissionais dos traba...

Provisão dos serviços públicos de saúde em Moçambique
Provision of public health services in Mozambique

Em termos de infraestruturas, há poucas unidades sanitárias, de tal forma que a situação se torna mais gritante quando a pirâmide da divisão administrativa parte do topo para a base, isto é, da província até a localidade, onde algumas localidades nem uma unidade sanitária têm. E este facto faz...

Relatório sobre avaliação da intervenção d suplementação com vitamina A nos cuidades de saude primarios nas provincias de sofala, manica,tete, zambezia e nampula
Report on the evaluation of the vitamin A supplementation intervention in primary health care in the provinces of sofala, manica, tete, zambezia and nampula

A deficiência de vitamina A (DVA) é um problema de grande interesse em saúde pública, visto que, afecta em todo o mundo, aproximadamente 19 milhões de mulheres grávidas e 190 milhões de crianças em idade pré-escolar, sendo a maioria nas regiões da África e Sudoeste da Ásia (OMS, 2013). Global...

Prevalence of hepatitis B virus and immunity status among healthcare workers in Beira City, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 17 (10), 2022
Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection can be prevented by vaccination. Exposure to blood or body fluids poses a high risk of transmission of HBV in health care workers (HCWs). This study aimed to determine the prevalence of markers of exposure, susceptibility, and protection to HBV infection in H...

Prevalence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Antibodies in the Mozambican Population: A Cross-Sectional Serologic Study in 3 Cities, July-August 2020

Clin. infect. dis; 75 (2), 2022
The extent of population exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was uncertain in many African countries during the onset of the pandemic. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study and randomly selected and surveyed general population and occupational groups from 6 J...

Lay hiv counsellors’ knowledge and attitudes toward depression: a mixed-methods cross-sectional study at primary healthcare centers in mozambique

Front. public health; 10 (919827), 2022
Introduction Depression is the most common mental disorder among people living with HIV/AIDS and has a negative impact on HIV treatment outcomes. Training lay HIV counselors to identify and manage depression may contribute to improved patient access and adherence to treatment, and reduce stigma and discr...

Feasibility,acceptability, and protective efficacy of seasonal malaria chemoprevention implementation in nampula province, Mozambique: protocol for a hybrid effectiveness-implementation study

JMIR research protocols; 11 (9), 2022
Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is a highly effective community-based intervention to prevent malaria infections in areas where the malaria burden is high and transmission occurs mainly during the rainy season. In Africa, so far, SMC has been implemented in the Sahel region. Mozambique contributes...