Resultados: 346

Quality of care and maternal mortality in a tertiary-level hospital in Mozambique: a retrospective study of clinicopathological discrepancies

Lancet Glob Health; 8 (7), 2020
Background Although an increasing number of pregnant women in resource-limited areas deliver in health-care facilities, maternal mortality remains high in these settings. Inadequate diagnosis and management of common life-threatening conditions is an important determinant of maternal mortality. We analys...

Saberes sobre a malária: um estudo qualitativo baseado no Distrito do Lago, Província de Niassa (Moçambique – África)
Knowledge about malaria: a qualitative study based in the District of Lago District, Niassa Province (Mozambique - Africa)

Vittalle; 32 (3), 2020
Em Moçambique a malária é responsável por 60% de todas as admissões pediátricas, por 40% do total de consultas e ainda por 30% de todas as mortes registadas nos hospitais (2).Com vista a reverter esse cenário, o governo moçambicano, por intermédio do Programa Nacional de Combate à Malária (PCN...

Programa sobre Saúde do Adolescente, Idoso e Outras Populações Vulneráveis
Program on Adolescent, Elderly and Other Populations' Health Vulnerable

Moçambique possui uma epidemia do HIV com uma prevalência nacional de 13.2% entre os adultos na faixa etária de 15-49 anos 1 e, estima-se que o país possui a oitava mais alta taxa de prevalência de HIV no mundo 2 . Os comportamentos heterossexuais de risco, incluindo parceiros múltiplos e concorren...

Sistema de vigilância de eventos vitais e causas de morte (comsa), moçambique 2020
Surveillance system for vital events and causes of death (comsa), mozambique 2020

Em Janeiro de 2017, Moçambique lançou o Sistema de Vigilância de Eventos Vitais e Causas de Morte (COMSA) para estabelecer um sistema nacional de amostragem para registo de eventos vitais para monitorar a ocorrência de mortalidade e causas de morte a nível nacional e subnacional, incluindo o uso de ...

National HIV testing and diagnosis coverage in sub-Saharan Africa: a new modeling tool for estimating the 'first 90' from program and survey data

AIDS (Lond.); 33 (3), 2019
HIV testing services (HTS) are a crucial component of national HIV responses. Learning one's HIV diagnosis is the entry point to accessing life-saving antiretroviral treatment and care. Recognizing the critical role of HTS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) launched the 90-90-90 tar...

Frequency and distribution of neglected tropical diseases in Mozambique: a systematic review

Infect. dis. poverty; 8 (1), 2019
Mozambique is considered one of the countries with highest NTDs burden although available data is scarce. This study aims to conduct a systematic review on published available data about the burden and distribution of the different NTDs across Mozambique since January 1950 until December 2018. We identif...

HIV Prevalence and Risk Behaviors Among Mozambicans Working in South African Mines

AIDS behav; 19 (59-67), 2019
Mineworkers are considered a population at risk for HIV due to risk behaviors associated with migratory work patterns. This was the first study in Mozambique to determine the prevalence of HIV and associated demographic and risk behaviors, and assess use and access to prevention and healthcare services a...

Geographic distribution and determinants of mental health stigma in central Mozambique

Purpose: This study describes patterns of community-level stigmatizing attitudes towards mental illness (MI) in central Mozambique. Methods: Data for this study come from a representative community household survey of 2933 respondents ≥ 18 years old in Manica and Sofala Provinces, Mozambique. Six MI...

Patterns of self-medication with antibiotics in Maputo City: a qualitative study

Background: Mozambique classifies but does not yet enforce antibiotics as prescription-only-medicine (POM) allowing the public access to a variety of antibiotics that otherwise are provided on prescription. This contributes to the growing practice of self-medication with antibiotics (SMA) which systemati...

Determinants of prenatal care use and HIV testing during pregnancy: a population-based, cross-sectional study of 7080 women of reproductive age in Mozambique

BMC pregnancy childbirth; 15 (19), 2019
Background: In low-income countries with poor coverage of healthcare services such as Mozambique, antenatal care serves as a vital tool for providing life-saving and cost-effective services for pregnant mothers. Nonetheless, many countries in Africa, including Mozambique, are struggling to attain an opti...