Resultados: 1529

Burden of malaria in pregnancy among adolescent girls compared to adult women in 5 sub-Saharan African countries: A secondary individual participant data meta-analysis of 2 clinical trials

PloS med; 19 (9), 2022
Malaria is among the top causes of death in adolescent girls (10 to 19 years) globally. Adolescent motherhood is associated with increased risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. The interaction of malaria, adolescence, and pregnancy is especially relevant in malaria endemic areas, where rates of...

Overlaying human and mosquito behavioral data to estimate residual exposure to host-seeking mosquitoes and the protection of bednets in a malaria elimination setting where indoor residual spraying and nets were deployed together

PLos ONE; 17 (9), 2022
Characterizing persistent malaria transmission that occurs after the combined deployment of indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) is critical to guide malaria control and elimination efforts. This requires a detailed understanding of both human and vector behaviors at ...

The mosquito vectors that sustained malaria transmission during the Magude project despite the combined deployment of indoor residual spraying, insecticide-treated nets and mass-drug administration

PLos ONE; 17 (9), 2022
The "Magude project" aimed but failed to interrupt local malaria transmission in Magude district, southern Mozambique, by using a comprehensive package of interventions, including indoor residual spraying (IRS), pyrethroid-only long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) and mass-drug administration (M...

programa de desenvolvimento integrado e adaptação às mudanças climáticas no curso de água do zambezi (pidacc zambezi) quadro de gestão ambiental e social (qgas)
programme for integrated development and adaptation to climate change in the zambezi watercourse (pidacc zambezi) environmental and social management framework (qgas)

Os procedimentos seguidos incorporam a exigência de ambos, regulamentação nacional relevante, especialmente o Regulamento de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (Decreto 54/2015 de 31 de Dezembro) e as políticas de salvaguardas ambientais e sociais do Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento. O rastreio dos su...

Conditions to eliminate cholera in Mozambique - the pathway for the development of the national cholera plan

Pan Afr. med. j; 42 (), 2022
Cholera disproportionately affects the most vulnerable segments of the population, particularly those who have low or no access to basic water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Despite some improvements in WASH conditions, cholera still represents a persistent challenge in Mozambique, where outbreaks occu...

Empowering Frontline Primary Healthcare Workers in a Global Health Partnership Training of Trainers Intervention to Strengthen the Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Disease in Mozambique

Glob. heart (Online); 17 (1), 2022
Unpreparedness of health professionals to address non-communicable diseases (NCD) at peripheral health facilities is a critical health system challenge in Mozambique. To address this weakness and decentralize NCD care, training of the primary care workforce is needed. We describe our experience in the de...

Relatório de análise de mortalidade intra-hospitalar e suas causas em Moçambique, 2018 a 2021
Report analysing in-hospital mortality and its causes in Mozambique, 2018 to 2021

O sistema de registo de mortes hospitalares é o centro do sistema de informação em saude compreende a captura de evento vital (morte), a sua enumeração em relatórios estatísticos, sua sistematização, consolidação e elaboração de estatísticas periódicas sobre o evento captado. A US é consi...

Plano Estratégico do Sector da Saúde PESS 2014-2019 (Extensão 2020-2024)
Health Sector Strategic Plan Sector PESS 2014-2019 (Extension 2020-2024)

A saúde é a condição essencial para o desenvolvimento dos indivíduos, das comunidades e do país no geral. O presente plano estratégico do sector da saúde (PESS) reflecte a ambição desse desenvolvimento, expressa, de forma inequívoca, nos propósitos contidos no âmbito da visão, missão e pri...

Molecular characterization of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli isolates from children with diarrhea: A cross-sectional study in four provinces of Mozambique: Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in Mozambique

Int. j. infect. dis; 121 (), 2022
Objectives: Analyze the frequency of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) pathotypes and their antimicrobial resistance profiles among children aged <15 years with diarrhea in four Mozambican provinces. Methods: A cross-sectional hospital-based surveillance program of diarrhea was implemented in Maputo,...

Reaching Men and Young Adults in a Pharmacy-Based HIV Self-Testing Strategy: Results from an Acceptability Study in Mozambique

AIDS res. hum. retrovir; 38 (8), 2022
HIV self-testing (HIVST) is a WHO-recommended strategy to increase testing, especially among key populations, men, and young adults. Between May and December 2019, a pilot was implemented in Zambézia province, Mozambique, allowing clients to purchase HIV self-tests in 14 public/private pharmacies. The s...