Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on self-reported burnout of health workers, quality of care, and perceptions of COVID-19-related stigma in Mozambique.
Method: We conducted a cross-sectional quantitative assessment of 170 frontline health workers in...
Segundo dados do IDS (2011), a desnutrição aguda afecta 6% das crianças menores de 5 anos
em Moçambique. Ela pode ser resultante de um deficiente consumo alimentar e/ou aparecimento
de uma doença num passado recente, resultando na perda de peso num período recente e/ou
aparecimento do edema bila...
the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Mozambique has increased from 11.5% in 2009 to 13.2% in 2015. The Mozambique Ministry of Health (MOH) developed a 5-year strategy (2013-2017) for male voluntary medical circumcision (VMMC) to increase in the provinces where there is the greatest num...
Guimarães, Esperança Lourenço;
Chissaque, Assecênio;
Pecenka, Clint;
Clark, Andrew;
Vaz, Basília;
Banze, Arlindo;
Canana, Neide;
Romão, Clésio;
Martins, Maria do Rosário Oliveira;
de Deus, Nilza;
Debellut, Frédéric.
Introduction: Rotavirus is one of the most common cause of severe gastroenteritis in children, with the largest mortality burden in low- and middle-income countries. To prevent rotavirus gastroenteritis, Mozambique introduced ROTARIX vaccine in 2015, however, its cost-effectiveness has never been establi...
Diarreia/tratamento farmacológico,
Vacinação/efeitos adversos,
Vacinas contra Rotavirus/provisão & distribuição,
Análise de Custo-Efetividade/economia,
Vacinas contra Rotavirus/imunologia,
Custos de Cuidados de Saúde/normas,
Custos e Análise de Custo/economia,
Análise de Custo-Efetividade/organização & administração
Surveillance systems are important in detecting changes in disease patterns and can act as early warning systems for emerging disease outbreaks. We hypothesized that analysis of data from existing global influenza surveillance networks early in the COVID-19 pandemic could identify outliers in influenza-n...
M'poca, Charles;
Osman, Nafissa Bique;
Arijama, Domingos;
Matingane, Benjamim;
Sitoé, Tomás;
Kenga, Darlene;
Lorenzoni, Cesaltina;
Luís, Elvira;
Pacagnella, Rodolfo de Carvalho;
Sacarlal, Jahit.
Although there is a significant increase of evidence regarding the prevalence and impact of COVID-19 on maternal and perinatal outcomes, data on the effects of the pandemic on the obstetric population in sub-Saharan African countries are still scarce. Therefore, the study aims were to assess the prevalen...
Morte Materna,
Período Pós-Parto,
Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/diagnóstico,
Resultado da Gravidez/epidemiologia,
Nascimento Prematuro/epidemiologia,
Estudos Prospectivos,
Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/epidemiologia
Langa, Irene;
Padama, Fernando;
Nhancupe, Noémia;
Pondja, Alberto;
Hlashwayo, Delfina;
Gouveia, Lidia;
Stelzle, Dominik;
Costa, Clarissa Prazeres da;
Schmidt, Veronika;
Winkler, Andrea S;
Noormahomed, Emília Virgínia.
Background: Taenia solium (neuro-)cysticercosis, a neglected tropical disease, can be associated with epileptic seizures and other neuropsychiatric (= neurological and psychiatric) disorders. This study aimed to evaluate the association of T. solium cysticercosis with selected neuropsychiatric disorders ...
Alafo, celso;
Malheia, arlindo;
Máquina, mara;
Soler, helena martí;
Aswat, ayesha S;
Koekemoer, lizette L;
Colborn, james;
Lobo, neil F;
Tatarski, allison;
Williams, yasmin A;
Marrenjo, dulcisária;
Cuamba, nelson;
Rabinovich, regina;
Alonso, Pedro;
Assessor, pedro;
Saute, francisco;
Paaijmans, krijn P.
Background: To eliminate malaria in southern Mozambique, the National Malaria Control Programme and its partners are scaling up indoor residual spraying (IRS) activities in two provinces, Gaza and Inhambane. An entomological surveillance planning tool (ESPT) was used to answer the programmatic question o...
O presente relatório versa sobre as atividades de implementação, monitoria e
avaliação do programa de Pré-Marcação de Consultas por Horário nas consultas de Doenças Crónicas, Farmácia e Consulta Pré-Natal – implementado em 40 unidades sanitárias nas províncias de Maputo (21), Gaza (14)...
Cervera, Belén Saavedra;
López, Mariana G;
Chiner-Oms, Álvaro;
García, Ana Maria;
Cancino-Muñoz, Irving;
Torres-Puente, Manuela;
Villamayor, Luis;
Carlos Madrazo-Moya, Carlos;
Mambuque, Edson;
Sequera, Guilherme Victor;
Respeito, Durval;
Blanco, Sílvia;
Augusto, Orvalho;
López-Varela, Elisa;
Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L;
Comas, Iñaki.
Genomic studies of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) might shed light on the dynamics of its transmission, especially in high-burden settings, where recent outbreaks are embedded in the complex natural history of the disease. To this end, we conducted a 1 year prospective surveillance-based ...