Total: 2253
Apoio a capacitação funcional dos serviços sanitários dos distritos de mocuba e lugela
Regulamento do exercício farmacêutico
Guiao para identificação dos anofelinos da colónia de Moçambique
The status of health management and information management in the mozambican health districts: overview and preliminary findings
An old tradition in the Mozambican health system is the appointment of doctors to
perform both clinical and managerial tasks in the health districts. As a consequence, a
paradox embedded with conflict and potential arises when we take into account the
often neglected but essential role of the districts i...
Observatório de recursos humanos para saúde de Moçambique
Relatório do estudo análise legal, regulatória e da política do sector da saúde em Moçambique
Contexto social dos cuidados de saúde em Moçambique
Os principais factores externos ao sistema de saúde que determina a qualidade de vida em termos de saúde são os sistemas culturais, políticos e económicos, bem como ambiente físico e social de indivíduos ou grupos de indivíduos numa sociedade (Donald, P.l & Erickson, P. 1993, P. 45). Estas influ...
Mozambique: primary health care support project (656-0226)
The proposed Primary Health Care Support Project is a $20.0 million project effort which will complement a future nonproject sector assistance effort, the Primary Health Care Financing
Program, in FY 1992. The purpose of both the project and the program is. to more efficiently and productively utilize ...
Health expenditure in Mozambique: an analysis of mojor policy issues
Recently, the Mozambican health sector has been struggling with some of the most problematic yet common questions related to the financial sustainability of its public health service. In common with other resource-constrained countries in the region, Mozambique has developed targets for poverty reduction...