Resultados: 271

Diversidade genética do gene que codifica a proteína-2 da superfície de merozoítos (MSP-2) de plasmodium falciparum em indivíduos co-infectados pelo hiv no distrito de chókwè, Moçambique

As infecções pelo Plasmodium falciparum (P.falciparum) e pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) constituem problema de Saúde Pública particularmente na África subsaariana onde as duas infecções têm o seu maior peso. A sobreposição geográfica das duas infecções implica a ocorrência da...

Genetic diversity and naturally polymorphisms in HIV type 1 integrase isolates from Maputo, Mozambique: implications for integrase inhibitors
Genetic diversity and naturally polymorphisms in HIV type 1 integrase isolates from Maputo, Mozambique: implications for integrase inhibitors

AIDS res. hum. retrovir; 28 (12), 2012
HIV proviral DNA integration into the host chromosome is carried out by integrase becoming an important arget antiretroviral therapy. Raltegravir was the first integrase inhibitor approved for use in HIV therapy andelvitegravir is in the late phase of clinical development; both show good results in monot...

Scaling up HIV viral load - lessons from the large-scale implementation of HIV early infant diagnosis and CD4 testing

J. int. aids soc; 20 (7), 2012
The scale-up of effective HIV viral load (VL) testing is an urgent public health priority. Implementation of testing is supported by the availability of accurate, nucleic acid based laboratory and point-of-care (POC) VL technologies and strong WHO guidance recommending routine testing to identify treatme...

Evaluating operational specifications of point-of-care diagnostic tests: a standardized scorecard

PLos ONE; 7 (10), 2012
The expansion of HIV antiretroviral therapy into decentralized rural settings will increasingly require simple point-of-care (POC) diagnostic tests that can be used without laboratory infrastructure and technical skills. New POC test devices are becoming available but decisions around which technologies ...

First report of occult hepatitis B infection amongARTnaïveHIVseropositive individuals in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 7 (9), 2012
Background: The prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Mozambique is one of the highest in the world, though in spite of this the prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) is unknown. Objectives: This study was conducted with the aim to ...

HBV infection in untreated HIV-infected adults in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 7 (9), 2012
Background HIV/ HBVcoinfected patients are at high risk of developing chronic HBV infection, liver cir rhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In Mozambique, where HIV prevalence is one of the highest in the world, HIV-infected patients are scarcely characterized in terms of HBV coin fection and 3TC-resista...

Performance of the PointCare NOW system for CD4 counting in HIV patients based on five independent evaluations

PLos ONE; 7 (8), 2012
Introduction: Point-of-care (POC) CD4 testing can improve access to treatment by enabling decentralization and reducing patient loss-to-follow-up. As new POC CD4 technologies become available, their performance should be assessed before widespread deployment. This study reports the findings of five indep...

Prevalence and clinical features of HIV and malaria co-infection in hospitalized adults in Beira, Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 11 (241), 2012
Mozambique presents a very high prevalence of both malaria and HIV infection, but the impact of co-cancel infection on morbidity in this population has been rarely investigated. The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence and clinical characteristics of malaria in hospitalized adult HIV-positive...

Quality of HIV care provided by non-physician clinicians and physicians in Mozambique: a retrospective cohort study

AIDS (Lond.); 24 (1), 2012
Objectives: To compare HIV care quality provided by non-physician clinicians (NPC) and physicians. Design: Retrospective cohort study assessing the relationship between provider cadre and HIV care quality among non-pregnant adult patients initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the national HIV care ...

Opportunities and challenges for cost-efficient implementation of new point-of-care diagnostics for hiv and tuberculosis

J. infect. dis; 205 (2), 2012
Stakeholders agree that supporting high-quality diagnostics is essential if we are to continue to make strides in the fight against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis. Despite the need to strengthen existing laboratory infrastructure, which includes expanding and developing new laborator...