Resultados: 344

Towards malaria elimination in the MOSASWA (Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland) region

Malar. j. (Online); 15 (444), 2016
The substantial impact of cross-border collaborative control efforts on the burden of malaria in southern Africa has previously been demonstrated through the successes of the Lubombo Spatial Development Initiative. Increases in malaria cases recorded in the three partner countries (Mozambique, South Afri...

Serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae in children with acute bacterial meningitis in Mozambique: implications for a national immunization strategy

BMC microbiol; 16 (1), 2016
Background: S. pneumoniae is the leading cause of acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) in children. Vaccination using the 10-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV-10) was recently introduced into the National Immunization Program in Mozambique, but data on serotype coverage of this vaccine formulation are scarce. In...

Serological evidence of rift valley fever virus among acute febrile patients in Southern Mozambique during and after the 2013 heavy rainfall and flooding: implication for the management of febrile illness

Virol. j; 13 (96), 2016
Background: Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) remains heavily neglected in humans in Mozambique, even though recent outbreaks were reported in neighboring countries in humans and several cases of RVFV in cattle were reported in several districts in Mozambique. Findings: We conducted a cross sectional study...

Determinants of Elongation of the Labia Minora in Tete Province, Central Mozambique: Findings of a Household Survey

Afr. j. reprod. health; 20 (2), 2016
A WHO-supported provincial-level population-based survey was conducted in 2007 to understand the determinants and implications for health of vaginal practices. A total of 919 women aged 18-60 were selected randomly for enrolment. This is the first population-based study of females in Tete Province, Mozam...

Seroepidemiologic Screening for Zoonotic Viral Infections, Maputo, Mozambique

Emerg. infect. dis; 22 (5), 2016
In sub-Saharan Africa, febrile patients are often assumed to have, and are treated for, malaria, but when tested, many are malaria-negative. Because emerging diseases, such as chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and dengue virus (DENV) infections, cause outbreaks around the world (1–3), the importance of these p...

Clinical and epidemiological characterization of the first recognized outbreak of dengue virus-Type 2 in mozambique, 2014

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 94 (2), 2016
Since the first reported epidemic of dengue in Pemba, the capital of Cabo Delgado province, in 1984-1985, no further cases have been reported in Mozambique. In March 2014, the Provincial Health Directorate of Cabo Delgado reported a suspected dengue outbreak in Pemba, associated with a recent increase in...

Hypoglycemia and risk factors for death in 13 years of pediatric admissions in mozambique

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 94 (1), 2016
Abstract. Hypoglycemia is a life-threatening complication of several diseases in childhood. We describe the prevalence and incidence of hypoglycemia among admitted Mozambican children, establishing its associated risk factors. We retro spectively reviewed clinical data of 13 years collected through an on...

Perfil de sensibilidade dos isolados de Mycobacterium tuberculosis de pacientes com tuberculose e coinfectados TB/HIV na cidade da Beira, Sofala, Moçambique

A tuberculose (TB) é uma doença infecciosa que ameaça a humanidade há séculos. Recentemente grandes avanços foram conseguidos no combate à tuberculose, entretanto a resistência bacilar e a coinfecção pelo Vírus de Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) persistem como os principais desafios dos program...

Relatório Semestral 2016 Relatório Semestral das Actividades Relacionadas ao HIV/SIDA

O Programa Nacional de Controlo (PNC) de ITS-HIV/SIDA é a entidade do Serviço Nacional de Saúde responsável pela gestão dos serviços de saúde relacionados ao HIV. A sua missão é de coordenar, regulamentar e prestar cuidados e tratamento às pessoas vivendo com HIV. Para responder de forma est...