Resultados: 1300

Situação da desnutrição aguda na província de Cabo Delgado
Situation of acute malnutrition in Cabo Delgado province

Quão Grave, Quantos e Quando? Nas 16 unidades de análise consideradas na Província de Cabo Delgado, ao total, estima-se que cerca de 75,000 crianças com idade entre 6-59 meses sofrem e poderão sofrer da desnutrição aguda nos próximos 12 meses e, por consequente, necessitam e necessitarão de trat...

Adherence to COVID-19 Preventive Measures in Mozambique: Two Consecutive Online Surveys

We assessed adherence to government recommendations implemented shortly after the introduction of COVID-19 in Mozambique in March 2020, through two online cross-sectional surveys in April and June 2020. We quantified adherence to preventive measures by a composite score comprising of five measures: physi...

Evaluation of prevention of mother-to-child transmission national health information system for HIV/AIDS, in southern region of Mozambique, April to November 2016

Pan Afr. med. j; 38 (26), 2021
Mozambique has a generalized HIV epidemic, among pregnant women, HIV prevalence is estimated at 15.8% with a vertical transmission rate of 14%, more than double global targets. We evaluate electronic national health information system (SIS-MA) performance to verify if the data flow procedures met its obj...

Estimating HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis need and impact in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia: A geospatial and risk-based analysis

PloS med; 18 (1), 2021
Background Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a WHO-recommended HIV prevention method for people at high risk for acquiring HIV, is being increasingly implemented in many countries. Setting programmatic targets, particularly in generalised epidemics, could incorporate estimates of the size of the populatio...

Recognizing the hidden: strengthening the hiv surveillance system among key and priority populations in mozambique

High quality, representative data from HIV surveillance systems that have country ownership and commitment are critical for guiding national HIV responses, especially among key and priority populations given their disproportionate role in the transmission of the virus. Between 2011 to 2013, the Mozambiqu...

A cost analysis to address issues of budget constraints on the implementation of the indoor residual spray programme in two districts of Maputo Province, Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 20 (8), 2021
Background: It is frequently said that funding is essential to ensure optimal results from a malaria intervention control. However, in recent years, the capacity of the government of Mozambique to sustain the operational cost of indoor residual spraying (IRS) is facing numerous challenges due to restrict...

Pre-exposure prophylaxis use among HIV serodiscordant couples: a qualitative study in Mozambique

Global health action; 14 (1), 2021
Background: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has the potential to reduce HIV transmission and stem the HIV epidemic. Unfortunately, PrEP uptake in rural sub-Saharan Africa has been slow and medication adherence has been suboptimal. Objective: To explore the perspectives, attitudes, and experiences of HIV ...

Prevalence and genome characterization of porcine rotavirus A in southern Mozambique

Infect. gent. evol; 87 (), 2021
Rotavirus A (RVA) is an important pathogen causing gastroenteritis in many species, including humans and pigs. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of RVA in pigs from smallholdings and commercial farms in southern Mozambique and characterize the complete genomes of selected strain...

Factores associados a mortabilidade por malária em 3 hospitais da Província da Zambézia em 2016

A malária é um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública em Moçambique e uma das principais causas de procura dos serviços de saúde. O Plasmodium falciparumé o parasita mais frequente, sendo responsável por mais de 90 % de todas as infecções. Nos últimos anos a taxa de incidência por malá...

Estimativas de mortalidade materna e infantil, aleitamento materno e anemia, para o ano de 2024, no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19 em Moçambique: Plataforma de saúde da mulher, criança e nutrição (psmcn)

Globalmente, a crise sócio-económica desencadeada pela pandemia da CVID-19 constitui um risco gravi ao estado nutricional e de sobrevivência de criaças de países de baixa e média renda. 1No contexto actual da pandemia espera-se que haja um aumento na desnutrição infantil devido a factores diverco...