Resultados: 49

Description of a Mass Poisoning in a Rural District in Mozambique: The First Documented Bongkrekic Acid Poisoning in Africa

Clin. infect. dis; 69 (9), 2018
Background: On 9 January 2015, in a rural town in Mozambique, >230 persons became sick and 75 died of an illness linked to drinking pombe, a traditional alcoholic beverage. Methods: An investigation was conducted to identify case patients and determine the cause of the outbreak. A case patient was define...

Description of a Mass Poisoning in a Rural District in Mozambique: The First Documented Bongkrekic Acid Poisoning in Africa

Clin. infect. dis; 66 (9), 2018
Background: On 9 January 2015, in a rural town in Mozambique, >230 persons became sick and 75 died of an illness linked to drinking pombe, a traditional alcoholic beverage. Methods: An investigation was conducted to identify case patients and determine the cause of the outbreak. A case patient was define...

Priorização de doenças zoonóticas da One Health para o envolvimento multissectorial em Moçambique
One Health's prioritization of zoonotic diseases for multisectoral involvement in Mozambique

O objectivo desta oficina de trabalho de 2 dias sobre Priorização de Doenças Zoonóticas One Health (OHZDP) foi identificar doenças zoonóticas de maior preocupação nacional para Moçambique, usando contribuições iguais de representantes da saúde humana, gado, ambiente, vida selvagem, pesquisa, ...

Fatores de risco para lesões cervicais e câncer cervical em Mulheres com diagnóstico citológico de células escamosas Atípicas, maputo-moçambique, 2013 - 2015
Risk factors for cervical lesions and cervical cancer in women with cytological diagnosis of atypical squamous cells, maputo-mozambique, 2013 - 2015

Introdução: O diagnóstico e o rastreamento das lesões cervicais são de suma importância. O método padrão de rastreamento do câncer do colo do útero e de suas lesões precursoras é o exame citológico pelo método de Papanicolaou. Objetivos: Estimar a prevalência das lesões cervicais de baixo...

Epidemiology, clinical features and risk factors for human rabies and animal bites during an outbreak of rabies in Maputo and Matola cities, Mozambique, 2014: Implications for public health interventions for rabies control

Plos negl. trop. dis; 11 (7), 2017
Background: In Mozambique, the majority of rabies outbreaks are unreported and data on the epidemiological features of human rabies and animal bites are scarce. An outbreak of human rabies in adjacent Maputo and Matola cities in 2014 prompted us to investigate the epidemiology, clinical features and risk...

Predictors of Health-Care Utilization Among Children 6-59 Months of Age in Zambézia Province, Mozambique

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 96 (2), 2017
Abstract. Globally, approximately 5.9 million children under 5 years of age died in 2015, a reduction of over 50% since 1990. Millennium Development Goal 4 established the goal of reducing child mortality by two-thirds by 2015. Multiple countries have surpassed this goal; however, regional and within-cou...

HIV development assistance and adult mortality in Africa

JAMA; 16 (307), 2016
Context: The effect of global health initiatives on population health is uncertain. Between 2003 and 2008, the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the largest initiative ever devoted to a single disease, operated intensively in 12 African focus countries. The initiative's effect on al...

Hypoglycemia and risk factors for death in 13 years of pediatric admissions in mozambique

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 94 (1), 2016
Abstract. Hypoglycemia is a life-threatening complication of several diseases in childhood. We describe the prevalence and incidence of hypoglycemia among admitted Mozambican children, establishing its associated risk factors. We retro spectively reviewed clinical data of 13 years collected through an on...

Prevenção e controlo de doenças orais e do noma como intervenções essenciais contra as doenças não transmissíveis
Prevention and control of oral diseases and as essential interventions against against non-communicable diseases

Uma boa saúde oral é uma das condições essenciais para se viver bem. A saúde oral é fundamental para a capacidade de respirar, comer, engolir, falar e mesmo sorrir. O comprometimento destas funções pode interferir seriamente com a capacidade de interagir com os outros, frequentar a escola e traba...

Reducing mortality in HIV-infected infants and achieving the 90-90-90 target through innovative diagnosis approaches

J. int. aids soc; 18 (6), 2015
Introduction: Despite significant gains in access to early infant diagnosis (EID) over the past decade, most HIV-exposed infants still do not get tested for HIV in the first two months of life. For those who are tested, the long turnaround time between when the sample is drawn and when the results are re...