Resultados: 61

Development of chronic lung impairment in Mozambican TB patients and associated risks

Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is frequently associated with chronic respiratory impairment despite microbiological cure. There are only a few clinical research studies that describe the course, type and severity aswell as associated risk factors for lung impairment (LI) in TB patients. Methods...

Using hospital auxiliary worker and 24-h TB services as potential tools to overcome in hospital TB delays: a quasi-experimental study

Background: In-hospital logistic management barriers (LMB) are considered to be important risk factors for delays in TB diagnosis and treatment initiation (TB-dt), which perpetuates TB transmission and the development of TB morbidity and mortality. We assessed the contribution of hospital auxiliary worke...

Using hospital auxiliary worker and 24-h TB services as potential tools to overcome inhospital TB delays: a quasi-experimental study

In-hospital logistic management barriers (LMB) are considered to be important risk factors for delays in TB diagnosis and treatment initiation (TB-dt), which perpetuates TB transmission and the development of TB morbidity and mortality. We assessed the contribution of hospital auxiliary workers (HAWs) an...

Risk factors associated with high prevalence of intimate partner violence amongst school-going young women (aged 15-24years) in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 15 (12), 2020
Background: In many countries, there is evidence that intimate partner violence is prevalent among young women. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and the factors associated with intimate partner violence in young women (aged 15-24 years) attending secondary schools in Maputo, Mozambique. Metho...

Inquérito sobre a saúde das mulheres trabalhadoras de sexo 2ª ronda, moçambique bbs mts ii
Survey on the health of female sex workers round 2, Mozambique bbs mts II. Final formative assessment report

queMoçambique possui uma epidemia do HIV com uma prevalência nacional de 13.2% entre os adultos na faixa etária de 15-49 anos 1 e, estima-se que o país possui a oitava mais alta taxa de prevalência de HIV no mundo 2. Os comportamentos heterossexuais de risco, incluindo parceiros múltiplos e concorr...

Cost-per-diagnosis as a metric for monitoring cost-effectiveness of HIV testing programmes in low-income settings in southern Africa: health economic and modelling analysis

J. int. aids soc; 22 (7), 2019
Introduction: As prevalence of undiagnosed HIV declines, it is unclear whether testing programmes will be cost-effective. To guide their HIV testing programmes, countries require appropriate metrics that can be measured. The cost-per-diagnosis is potentially a useful metric. Methods: We simulated a serie...

TB sequel: incidence, pathogenesis and risk factors of long-term medical and social sequelae of pulmonary TB - a study protocol

BMC pulm. med; 19 (1), 2019
Background: Up to fifty percent of microbiologically cured tuberculosis (TB) patients may be left with permanent, moderate or severe pulmonary function impairment. Very few studies have systematically examined pulmonary outcomes in patients to understand the pathophysiologic basis and long-term socio-eco...

Frequência da Hipertensão Arterial e Factores Associados em Pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 atendidos na Associação Moçambicana dos Diabéticos entre 2006 e 2016

A prevalência da Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 tem aumentado de forma progressiva a nível global. Evidência científica indica uma frequência elevada de Hipertensão Arterial em doentes com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 se comparado com a população sem Diabetes Mellitus. A Hipertensão Arterial aumenta o ris...

Bisexual and Bidirectional: Assessing the Potential for HIV Bridging in Mozambique

AIDS behav; 22 (7), 2018
African men who have sex with men (MSM) frequently, and often concurrently, have female partners, raising concerns about HIV sexual bridging. We explored potential HIV transmission in Mozambique from and to female partners of MSM focusing on preferred anal sex role and circumcision status. Data collected...

Mapping and Modelling Malaria Risk Areas Using Climate, Socio-Demographic and Clinical Variables in Chimoio, Mozambique

Background: Malaria continues to be a major public health concern in Africa. Approximately 3.2 billion people worldwide are still at risk of contracting malaria, and 80% of deaths caused by malaria are concentrated in only 15 countries, most of which are in Africa. These high-burden countries have achiev...