Total: 1827

Prevalence and psychosocial factors associated with self-injurious thoughts among people living with HIV presenting for HIV testing in Mozambique

AIDS care; 34 (6), 2021
Self-injurious thoughts have been associated with psychiatric morbidity and suicide. Little is known about psychosocial factors associated with self-injurious thoughts among people newly diagnosed with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. This study examined whether food insufficiency, mental health symptoms, or s...

Validation of the FCV-19 Scale and Assessment of Fear of COVID-19 in the Population of Mozambique, East Africa

Purpose: This study aimed to validate the Portuguese version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) and investigate its association with sociodemographic and pandemic-related variables in the population of Mozambique. Participants and methods: A cross-sectional online survey recruited 387 Mozambicans a...

Two Randomized Trials of Neutralizing Antibodies to Prevent HIV-1 Acquisition

N. Engl. j. med; 384 (11), 2021
BACKGROUND—Whether a broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) can be used to prevent human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) acquisition is unclear. METHODS—We enrolled at-risk cisgender men and transgender persons in the Americas and Europe in the HVTN 704/HPTN 085 trial and at-risk women in sub-Sah...

Implementation of a Community Transport Strategy to Reduce Delays in Seeking Obstetric Care in Rural Mozambique

Delays due to long distances to health facilities, poor road infrastructure, and lack of affordable transport options contribute to the burden of maternal deaths in Mozambique. This study aimed to assess the implementation and uptake of an innovative community-based transport program to improve access to...

Challenges for malaria surveillance during the COVID-19 emergency response in Nampula, Mozambique, January - May 2020

Pan Afr. med. j; 38 (254), 2021
Since the announcement of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in January 30th 2020, 68 countries reported to the World Health Organization that they were experiencing disruptions in malaria diagnosis and treatment. This situation had the potential to lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment, whi...

Reduced Placental Transfer of Antibodies Against a Wide Range of Microbial and Vaccine Antigens in HIV-Infected Women in Mozambique

Front. immunol; 12 (), 2021
Transplacental transfer of antibodies is essential for conferring protection in newborns against infectious diseases. We assessed the impact of different factors, including gestational age and maternal infections such as HIV and malaria, on the efficiency of cord blood levels and placental transfer of Ig...

plano Nacional de vacinação contra a Covid-19

Este documento apresenta o Plano Nacional de Vacinação contra a COVID-19 em Moçambique. A introdução de uma vacina segura e eficaz representa uma prioridade nacional para aliviar o impacto negativo da pandemia da COVID-19 a nível do sistema sanitário e socioeconómico. Na fase actual da pandemia,...

Caracteristicas de pacientes em TARV falecidos em Mocambique, entre 2018 - 2019

O HIV/SIDA é uma das maiores causas de morte em Moçambique. Estima-se que em 2019, 51 mil pessoas vivendo com HIV (PVHIV) morreram do SIDA (Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida) [1]. Apesar do número de mortes continuar elevado, a mortalidade por SIDA diminuiu em 20%, de 65 mil em 2013 para 51 mil...

Relatório de fitossanidade e sanidade animal: campanha agraria 2 0 | 2 1
Plant and animal health report: agricultural campaign 2 0 | 2 1

O Ministério da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (MADER) tem como responsabilidades garantir a defesa Sanitária e Fitossanitária do país, entre outras através do controlo fronteiriço e interno, assegurando a prevenção de introdução e/ou disseminação de pragas, doenças exóticas, doenças ...


A adesão do paciente ao TARV é considerada de uma dimensão crucial para os programas de HIV em todo o mundo. O Apoio Psicossocial (APSS) tem o papel fundamental de garantir acções de suporte e monitoria da adesão e deve fazer parte das directrizes técnicas voltadas para os serviços de saúde que...