Total: 1827

Intestinal protozoa in hospitalized under-five children with diarrhoea in Nampula - a cross-sectional analysis in a low-income setting in northern Mozambique

BMC infect. dis; 21 (1), 2021
In Mozambique, infection by intestinal parasites is reported all over the country. However, infection in children with diarrhoea is mostly focused in the southern region of Mozambique. This work aims to determine the frequency and potential risk factors for infection by Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia lamb...

Intestinal protozoa in hospitalized under-five children with diarrhoea in Nampula – a cross-sectional analysis in a low-income setting in northern Mozambique

BMC infect. dis; 21 (201), 2021
Background: In Mozambique, infection by intestinal parasites is reported all over the country. However, infection in children with diarrhoea is mostly focused in the southern region of Mozambique. This work aims to determine the frequency and potential risk factors for infection by Cryptosporidium spp., ...

Incremental impact on malaria incidence following indoor residual spraying in a highly endemic area with high standard ITN access in Mozambique: results from a cluster-randomized study

Malar. j. (Online); 20 (1), 2021
Attaining the goal of reducing the global malaria burden is threatened by recent setbacks in maintaining the effectiveness of vector control interventions partly due to the emergence of pyrethroid resistant vectors. One potential strategy to address these setbacks could be combining indoor residual spray...

Molecular surveillance for polymorphisms associated with artemisinin-based combination therapy resistance in Plasmodium falciparum isolates collected in Mozambique, 2018

Malar. j. (Online); 20 (1), 2021
Background: Due to the threat of emerging anti-malarial resistance, the World Health Organization recommends incorporating surveillance for molecular markers of anti-malarial resistance into routine therapeutic efficacy studies (TESs). In 2018, a TES of artemether-lumefantrine (AL) and artesunate-amodiaq...

Plano Nacional de resposta a pandemia do covid-19 actualização de 2021

A principal prioridade do Governo de Moçambique tem sido e sempre será a vida dos Moçambicanos com destaque para a protecção da saúde e bem-estar de todos. Para fazer face à pandemia de COVID-19, o Ministério de Saúde (MISAU) elaborou em Abril 2020, o Plano Nacional de Preparação e Resposta à...

Relatório da Avaliação da Qualidade de Dados: Avaliação Qualitativa Ronda 2020

A melhoria da qualidade de dados registados e reportados pelo Ministério da Saúde a partir do Sistema de Informação de Saúde (SIS) é uma prioridade em Moçambique. Dados exactos, completos, fiáveis, reportados a tempo e precisos são a base da planificação, monitoria e avaliação do sistema de...

Situação da desnutrição aguda na província de Cabo Delgado
Situation of acute malnutrition in Cabo Delgado province

Quão Grave, Quantos e Quando? Nas 16 unidades de análise consideradas na Província de Cabo Delgado, ao total, estima-se que cerca de 75,000 crianças com idade entre 6-59 meses sofrem e poderão sofrer da desnutrição aguda nos próximos 12 meses e, por consequente, necessitam e necessitarão de trat...

Adherence to COVID-19 Preventive Measures in Mozambique: Two Consecutive Online Surveys

We assessed adherence to government recommendations implemented shortly after the introduction of COVID-19 in Mozambique in March 2020, through two online cross-sectional surveys in April and June 2020. We quantified adherence to preventive measures by a composite score comprising of five measures: physi...

Evaluation of prevention of mother-to-child transmission national health information system for HIV/AIDS, in southern region of Mozambique, April to November 2016

Pan Afr. med. j; 38 (26), 2021
Mozambique has a generalized HIV epidemic, among pregnant women, HIV prevalence is estimated at 15.8% with a vertical transmission rate of 14%, more than double global targets. We evaluate electronic national health information system (SIS-MA) performance to verify if the data flow procedures met its obj...

Estimating HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis need and impact in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia: A geospatial and risk-based analysis

PloS med; 18 (1), 2021
Background Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a WHO-recommended HIV prevention method for people at high risk for acquiring HIV, is being increasingly implemented in many countries. Setting programmatic targets, particularly in generalised epidemics, could incorporate estimates of the size of the populatio...