This study evaluated a National External Quality Scheme Program for early infant diagnosis of HIV. Fourteen laboratory technicians participated, and nine testing panel cycles were sent between 2011 and 2014. The response rate was 100% for the first eight panels, and the number of technicians with a test ...
Background: Mozambique is among the highest tuberculosis, tuberculosis–HIV and multidrug-resistant-tuberculosis burden countries. Although molecular technologies are available in-country, mycobacterial isolation through culture remains an important tool for tuberculosis diagnostics and drug susceptibil...
Ciera, Leia;
Galatas, Beatriz;
Alonso, Sergi;
Peaijimas, Krijin;
Mamuque, Miler;
Marti-Solar, Helena;
Guinovart, Caterina;
Munguambe, Humberto;
Luis, Fabiao;
Nhantumbo, Hoticha;
Montana, Julia;
Bassat, Quique;
Candrinho, Baltazar.
As new combinations of interventions aiming at interrupting malaria transmission are under evaluation, understanding the associated economic costs and benefits is critical for decision-making. This study assessed the economic cost and cost-effectiveness of the Magude project, a malaria elimination initia...
Pimenta, Fabiana C;
Moiane, Benild;
Lessa, Fernanda C;
Venero, Anne-Kathryn L;
Moura, Iaci;
Larson, Shanda;
Massora, Sergio;
Chaúque, Alberto;
Tembe, Nelson;
Mucavele, Helio;
Verani, Jennifer R;
Whitney, Cynthia G;
Sigaúque, Betuel;
Carvalho, Maria G. S.
Background: Dried blood spots (DBS) have been proposed as potentially tool for detecting invasive bacterial diseases. Methods: We evaluated the use of DBS for S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae detection among children in Mozambique. Blood for DBS and nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs were collected from children w...
Sevene, espranca;
Shama, sumedha;
Munguambe, khatia;
Sacaor, charfudin;
Vala, anifa;
Macuacua, saliesio;
Boane, helena;
Arsenio, j mark;
Augusto, orvalho;
Bique, cassimo;
Bone, jeffrey;
Dusmmuir, dustin T;
Lee, tang;
Li, jing;
Macte, eusebio;
Singer, joel;
Wang, hannh l;
Payne, beth a;
Sidat, mohision;
Shennan, andrew h;
Thavana, carssimo;
Tu, domena k;
Vidlev, marianne;
Buhutta, zulfiquar;
Magge, laura a;
Dedelsezen, peter van.
Objectives: Pregnancy hypertension is the third leading cause of maternal mortality in Mozambique and contributes significantly to fetal and neonatal mortality. The objective of this trial was to assess whether task-sharing care might reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes related to delays in triage, transpo...
Hipertensão Induzida pela Gravidez/mortalidade,
Custos e Análise de Custo,
Mortalidade Infantil,
Agentes Comunitários de Saúde/organização & administração,
Características de Residência/estatística & dados numéricos,
Cuidado Pré-Natal,
Hipertensão Induzida pela Gravidez
Introdução: Actualmente, os antibióticos constituem a classe de medicamentos mais consumidos no mundo. Apesar dos ganhos que o uso prudente de antibióticos possa ter na saúde dos indivíduos, a sua dispensa descontrolada e não apropriada representa uma ameaça grave à saúde pública, estando asso...
Inguane, Celso;
Sawadogo-Lewis, Talata;
Chaquisse, Eusébio;
Roberton, Timothy;
Ngale, Kátia;
Fernandes, Quinhas;
Dinis, Aneth;
Orvalho, Augusto;
Covele, Alfredo;
Hicks, Leecreesha;
Gremu, Artur;
Sherr, Kenneth.
The need for evidence-based decision-making in the health sector is well understood in the global health community. Yet, gaps persist between the availability of evidence and the use of that evidence. Most research on evidence-based decision-making has been carried out in higher-income countries, and mos...
High circular mobility creates vulnerability and elevates risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). We aim to explore knowledge, perceptions of risk, and sexual behaviors in relation to STIs/HIV, in Mozambican women involved in an informal cross border ...
Abílio, ana paula;
Obi, emmanuel;
Koenker, hannah;
Babalola, stella;
Saifodine, abuchahama;
Zulliger, rose;
Swamidoss, Isabel;
Leon, gabriel ponce de;
Alfai, Eunice;
Blaufuss, sean;
Olapeju, Bolanle;
Harig, hunter;
Kilian, albert.
Malaria prevention with long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) has seen a tremendous scale-up in sub-Saharan Africa in the last decade. To sustain this success, it is important to understand how long LLINs remain in the households and continue to protect net users, which is termed durability. This inform...