Resultados: 49

High HIV incidence in the postpartum period sustains vertical transmission in settings with generalized epidemics: a cohort study in Southern Mozambique

J. int. aids soc; 17 (1), 2014
Introduction: Acute infection with HIV in the postpartum period results in a high risk of vertical transmission through breastfeeding. A study was done to determine the HIV incidence rate and associated risk factors among postpartum women in Southern Mozambique, where HIV prevalence among pregnant women ...

Persistence of Plasmodium falciparum parasites in infected pregnant Mozambican women after delivery

Infect. immun; 97 (1), 2010
Pregnant women are susceptible to Plasmodium falciparum parasites that sequester in the placenta. The massive accumulation of infected erythrocytes in the placenta has been suggested to trigger the deleterious effects of malaria in pregnant women and their offspring. The risk of malaria is also high duri...

Maternal outcome of pregnancy in mozambique with special reference to abortion-related morbidity and mortality

In the capital city of one of the least developed countries, and using a hospital-based approach: The general aim was to characterise women who have undergone illegally and Jegally induced abortions, and to show the magnitude of both maternal mortality and abortion-related severe morbidity in adolescents...

Placental pathology in malaria: A histological, immunohistochemical, and quantitative study*

Hum. pathol; 31 (1), 2000
Para caracterizar as alterações histológicas nas placentas da malária e sua relação com a paridade e parasitemias maternas e medulares, realizamos um estudo histológico em 1.179 placentas de Ifakara, na Tanzânia, uma área com transmissão intensa e perene da malária. Estudos imuno-histoquímico...

Revista Medica de Moçambique
Revista Medica de Moçambique

Faz-se uma avaliação do impacto de actividades das parteiras tradicionais capacitadas (PTC) em três distritos da província de Manica de Março a Abril de 1996. Os objectivos foram caracterizar a utilização dos serviços das PTC, avaliar a divulgação da consulta pré~-natal e planeamento familiar ...

Conduta obstétrica

Dois anos apos a publicação do Manual de Obstetrícia Pratica, cuja aceitação foi grande no seio do pessoal de saúde a que se destinava, os autores quiseram dar continuidade ao esforço de providenciar mais material de estudo no domínio da obstetrícia. O livro Conduta Obstétrica, agora publicada,...

Primary healht care in practice - a study in Mozambique

Mother and child health services seek both to deal with the immediate health problems of mothers and children, and to extend care provision, through concern with child development and the health education of parents, for the promotion of life long health. Women between fifteen and forty five comprise som...