Bassat, quique;
Mandomando, inácio;
Sigaúque, betuel;
Guinovart, caterina;
Aide, pedro;
Sacarlal, Jahit;
Nhampossa, tacilta;
Bardají, azucena;
Morais, luís;
Machevo, Sonia;
Letang, emilio;
Macete, eusébio;
Aponte, john J;
Alonso, pedro l;
Menéndez, clara;
Roca, anna.
Objectives: To describe the prevalence, aetiology and prognostic implications of coexisting invasive bacterial disease in children admitted with severe malaria in a rural Mozambican Hospital. Methods: Retrospective study of data systematically collected from June 2003 to May 2007 in a rural Mozambican ho...
Hutton, guy;
Schellenberg, david;
Tediosi, fabrizio;
Macete, eusebio;
Kahigwa, elizeus;
Sigauque, betuel;
Mas, xavier;
Trapero, marta;
Tanner, marcel;
Menendez, clara;
Alonso, pedro;
Trilla, antoni.
Objective: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of malaria intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi) using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP). Methods: In two previous IPTi trials in Ifakara (United Republic of Tanzania) and Manhiça (Mozambique), SP was administered three times to infants before 9 m...
Background: Protection against clinical malaria episodes is acquired slowly after frequent exposure to malaria parasites. This is reflected by a decrease with increasing age in both parasite density and incidence of clinical episodes. In many settings of stable malaria transmission, the presence...
Sensibilidade e Especificidade,
Sangue/diagnóstico por imagem,
Princípio da Precaução,
Plasmodium falciparum,
Modelos Logísticos,
Intervalos de Confiança,
Inquéritos e Questionários/estatística & dados numéricos,
Grupos Etários,
Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença,
Dedos/crescimento & desenvolvimento,
Background: The objective was to study the seasonal effect on the spatial distribution of the incidence of malaria in children under 10 years old living in the Manhiça district, Mozambique.
Methods: The data of the clinical malaria incidence were obtained from a study of two cohorts of children followed...
Mayor, Alfredo;
Serra-Casas, Elisa;
Sanz, Sergi;
Aponte, João J;
Machete, eusebio;
Mandomando, Inácio;
Puyol, Laura;
Berzosa, Pedro;
Dobanã, Carlota;
Aide, pedro;
Sacarlal, jahit;
Benito, Agustín;
Alonso, Pedro;
Menendéz, Clara.
Background. Intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is a po tential malaria control strategy. There is concern about the impact that increasing in vivo resistance to SP has on the efficacy of IPTi, as well as about the potential contribution of IPTi to incr...
A malária é de longe a doença parasitária mais importante em Moçambique, constituindo um grave problema de saúde pública no País. Apesar de se considerar que um diagnóstico atempado e um tratamento correcto são os elementos básicos para um programa de controlo da malária bem sucedido, nas úl...
Plasmodium falciparum/parasitologia,
Antimaláricos/administração & dosagem,
Malária/prevenção & controle,
Amodiaquina/administração & dosagem,
Cloroquina/administração & dosagem,
Pacientes/estatística & dados numéricos,
Sulfadoxina/provisão & distribuição,
Macete, Eusébio V;
Sacarlal, Jahit;
Aponte, John J;
Leach, Amanda;
Navia, Margarita M;
Milman, Jessica;
Guinovart, Caterina;
Mandomando, Inácio;
López-Púa, Yolanda;
Lievens, Marc;
Ofori, Alex Owusu;
Dubois, Marie-Claude;
Cahill, Conor P;
Koutsoukos, Marguerite;
Sillman, Marla;
Thompson, Ricardo;
Dubovsky, Filip;
Ballou, W Ripley;
Cohen, Joe;
Alonso, Pedro L.
Results: Both vaccines were safe and had similar reactogenicity profiles. All subjects with paired pre and post-vaccination
samples showed a vaccine response with respect to anti-circumsporozoite (CS) antibodies irrespective of initial anti-CS
serostatus. Geometric mean titers (GMTs) were 191 EU/ml (95...
Macete, E;
Aponte, J. J;
Guinovart, C;
Sacarlal, J;
Ofori-Anyinam, O;
Mandomando, I;
Espasa, M;
Bevilacqua, C;
Leach, A;
Dubois, M C;
Heppner, D G;
Tello, L;
Milman, J;
Cohen, J;
Dubovsky, F;
Tornieporth, N;
Thompson, R;
Alonso, P. L.
The development of a malaria vaccine remains a public health priority for sub-Saharan Africa. RTS,S/AS02A candidate malaria vaccine has been shown to be safe and immunogenic in previous studies in adults and staggered dose-escalation studies in children in The Gambia. However, genetic features and the in...
Objective: To estimate the community incidence-rates of respiratory infections among infants in Manhiça, southern Mozambique, and to determine risk factors associated with these infections.
Methods: A cohort of children <1 year of age were visited at home every week until they turned one. During the vis...
Malaria occurs mostly in the tropical regions of the world. Sub-Saharan Africa is the area most affected. The occurrence of a very efficient mosquito vectors Anopheles gambiae complex and Anopheles funestus group sustain high transmission of the Plasmodium falciparum, the most predominant and deadly mala...